Thirty-Six: Responsible

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Jungkook's hand moved mechanically through the stack of papers. He hadn't been to the office in 2 weeks, so a lot of things had been on hold, his Executive Director had tried to get him to come in but work had been the last thing on his mind.

He'd shut everyone out, shunned the important things in his life and had reclined into his cocoon, cradling his shattered heart in both hands.

Jungkook blamed no one but himself for the hurt and pain he'd had to live through these passed few torturous days of his life. He didn't blame King for showing up—even after Jungkook had banished him to the past—and upending his life. King had come to take his pound of flesh even when he hadn't deserved any. He'd come to destroy Jungkook's peace of mind, and unfortunately had succeeded to do it.

He wasn't around to gloat about. If King were still alive, he'd rejoice to see Jungkook so dejected and heart broken and put off by the world. He'd be the happiest man in the world to see Jungkook in shambles.

But Jungkook hadn't given him a chance. He'd personally made sure King didn't live till dawn of the next day. He'd watched and listened until his heart stopped beating. He'd made sure King's body had been locked in a coffin and then sinked it in the middle of the ocean. He'd made sure the man, his body or his spirit would never be able to harm anyone again.

He had given King the death that he deserved, but even at that, Jungkook didn't blame him for Jin's absence from his life. Jin's absence had been brought upon by the misdeeds of Jungkook's past, by the bad decisions he'd made. And even though he'd walked out of that life and carved a new, better path for himself, he always knew his karma was waiting for him in the future.

He'd done crazy things while working with King. King had saved him, and Jungkook had owed him, so he had let the man use him to carry out a lot of atrocities. Although at that time, Jungkook had been made to believe every single person he hurt had been just as bad as King, so he hadn't felt so terrible when he killed them for King.

But then he got to find out that King had hurt both the bad and the innocent ones, and Jungkook had helped him do it. He'd killed good people—although unintentionally—and their blood forever stained his hands.

And now he was paying for it, not in a horrible way. He would have said not being able to be around Jin was the worst punishment ever, but he would be lying to himself. The worst punishment would have been if King had succeeded in harming Jin. If he'd... If Jin hadn't surv-

He couldn't bear to think about it. He didn't even want to think about it. He was going to take it all with a grain of salt because, at least, Jin was still alive. That was what mattered. It hurt like a bitch to not be able to touch him or kiss him or hug him or make love to him, and to have Jin smile so beautifully and look up at Jungkook with wanting eyes every time Jungkook kissed him on the spot just below his left ear.

He missed waking up to that feeling of contentment just knowing he had Jin in his life, someone so kind and smart and incredibly handsome and strong. Someone who had stolen his heart the first day Jungkook had watched him walk into the library. He remembered that day like it was a favourite scene from a movie, every single detail.

It had been extremely sunny and warm outside that day, but inside the library had been cold from the air conditioning. There weren't many people in the library because it had been a Sunday, which was the perfect time to study on logistics. He was always seeking ways to gain more knowledge to improve his services and understand the world of his business more.

He hadn't heard the door open like usual. It always had a squeak in it whenever someone walked in and out, but it didn't make a sound when Jin had walked in. Something had pulled him, causing him to throw his head up to find Namjoon talking so enthusiastically, while Jin had looked bored but listened. He'd been wearing a brown T-shirt that looked two sizes bigger than his frame and a baggy blue denim pants with a white pair of sneakers. His hair had been trimmed short, neat, and it structured his face so well, revealing the chiselled angles of his cheek bones.

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