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Azias and I walked hand-in-hand into the restaurant that we were supposed to be meeting Cyber in. The restaurant appeared to be very upscale, as did the people dining here. Everyone was dressed in what looked like expensive clothing, and as we passed by a few people leaving the restaurant, I could smell the scent of expensive cologne.

We were greeted by a receptionist who asked if we had reserved a table, and once Azias told her the information she needed, we were led to a table where a girl sat dining by herself.

Azias frowned, "I think this is the wrong table..."

The girl looked up from her meal and greeted us with a wide smile. She was a brunette with a heart-shaped face, full lips, and big, doll eyes. They all worked in her favor, making her, by far, the prettiest woman I had seen so far in the restaurant.

"You wanted to meet Cyber, no?" She spoke. Her voice was soft and sweet as she flashed her pearly whites at Azias. Her eyes were fixed onto him, as if she was somehow able to see beyond the garments hiding his body. She watched him with seduction written in her eyes.

I had gotten used to women ogling Azias and was actually unbothered by it because Azias never entertained them, despite how beautiful they were. As long as this lady wouldn't try anything out of pocket, I planned to just ignore her inappropriate eye fucking.

"You're Cyber?" Azias asked as the receptionist walked away. Azias helped me get seated before taking a seat as well.

"Heavens, no," she giggled. "Just the messenger." She eyed Azias as if he was her new boy toy. I was certain that she hadn't missed us walking hand-in-hand to her table, but she apparently didn't care. It was often like that, and I knew I couldn't go around fighting everyone. It still made me uncomfortable though.

I frowned, "What's the message?" and her attention shifted to me.

She giggled, "So eager! You haven't even ordered yet." She looked at Azias and smiled, "Although it seems dessert isn't too far away."

This bitch!

"Well, you've helped yourself to food already," I shrugged. "Is he going to help us or not?"

Besides, Azias had a lot to eat earlier...

"Hey, let's hear what she has to say first before you go off," Azias whispered into my ear, but him basically telling me to calm down made me want to do the exact opposite. He hadn't said it in a mean or offensive way, and I knew he just didn't want to offend Cyber or anyone working for him, but I sure as hell didn't like that she wanted to drag this meeting out just to continue eye fucking him.

The lady dug into her salad and ate away in silence before sipping her wine. She then spoke, "He won't."

"Well, this was pointless!" I sighed while standing up, but Azias gripped my wrist, telling me not to leave as yet.

"If you're gonna have a bunch of outbursts, you might as well leave," the lady rolled her eyes.

"Cyber's not helping. I don't see the point in this meeting anymore," I explained to Azias, but his grip on my hand didn't loosen. I sighed and sat down to hear whatever else this lady had to say.

Her eyes left me and instead focused on Azias as she spoke, "Cyber won't do the job, but I know someone else who can."

"Who?" Azias asked.

She batted her lashes while leaning across the table towards him so that her boobs would show up more. "No need for you to know. The person will get the job done...for a price."

"How can we trust this person if we don't know who he or she is?" I asked.

"My person likes to remain anonymous," she shrugged. "If you think you can handle things on your own, be my guest."

Azias asked, "What's the price?" and I immediately frowned as I looked over at him. I knew he was desperate for results, but I didn't trust this lady or her anonymous friend. I had a feeling that this price of hers wouldn't sit right with me. At least the other women I've dealt with that would crush on Azias knew their place. They'd stare, yes. I mean, who wouldn't? He was very handsome and definitely an eye grabber. Other women knew to just leave things at the ogling level though. This bitch, on the other hand, was over here trying to flirt with Azias in my face, and I felt very uncomfortable by it.

"It doesn't involve money," she led on before wiping her mouth with a napkin. She then reapplied her red lipstick, and I rolled my eyes as I watched her. "My person has an issue that you can solve, Reaper."

By the intense stare Azias gave her, I could tell that she nor Cyber was supposed to know about his work or identity. He had probably approached them with his scenario without giving up his identity.

His eyes were pensive and focused as he watched her, but I knew that he was in his mind right now busting his brain about how she knew who he was.

"How do you know who I am?" he finally asked, and she began smiling. The fuck is there to smile about?! I asked myself as I watched her.

"My person has already looked into your case and got curious as to why you were being hunted. A background check was ran on you and the person you wish to find," she answered.

Pitching into the conversation, I asked, "So you know who's after us?"

"No, but we know where to direct you..." she trailed off, and I sighed, tired of her misleading statements and dances around the information we wanted to know.

"What information can you offer us that we don't already have?" Azias asked, his eyes curious.

She only smiled as she ogled Azias, and I lost my last straw. I stood up and sighed, "If you're not gonna give us any information, we might as well end this here."

"I agree," Azias backed me as he stood and held my hand again. The lady looked at our connected hands before making eye contact with Azias once more.

She looked a bit upset and annoyed that Azias finally backed me, but she looked even more pissed that he hadn't given into her flirting.

"Don't let an insecure girlfriend ruin your chance of finding your brother!" the lady rolled her eyes, and I wanted nothing more than to slap her across the face. She had been flirting with my man since we got here and wanted to make me seem insecure! Yes, she was really pretty, but I wouldn't have felt a type of way about meeting with her had she not been disrespectful this entire time. "She needs to go, or I won't say anything else."

"Bitch!" I said as I got ready to curse her out, but Azias released my hand.

In a moment of desperation, Azias demanded, "If you really know information about my brother and me, where was the last place he was before he went missing?"

"You believe it was Italy. It wasn't. I'm not saying anything until she leaves though," the lady answered while crossing her arms.

As if Azias was going to send me away!

"Wait in the car," he instructed me, making me frown.

The fuck?!

"What?! No!" I frowned as I watched him in disbelief. I didn't trust that lady around him at all, and I didn't like the idea of her thinking she could get rid of me by playing on Azias' desperation to find his brother.

"You have 30 seconds or I'm leaving," the woman warned as she watched me with a bitchy look. I wanted nothing more than to snuff that bitch in the face!

Azias broke eye contact with her and instead connected eyes with me before repeating in a demanding way, "Wait in the car!"

I looked at him in complete disbelief before scoffing and leaving the restaurant. How could he? I knew he saw how she was looking at him and I knew he heard the flirty things she was saying. How could he discard of me like that at her request?! He didn't even try to reason with her. He just followed what she said without regards to how being sent away made me look and feel. Pissed wasn't even the word! He had a rude awakening coming!

A/N: Heyyy 🥰 so everyone that commented said to space the chapters out. I'm assuming that everyone else that didn't comment feels the same way, so I'll be spacing the chapters out between Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 🎀✨

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