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"I had Devon kidnapped the same day I had Sapphire thrown in that van to speak with Michael and Ricardo. Why? I had planned to use Devon as bait to get Azias into a trap. Also, I had waited many years to see Devon suffer. Even though I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted to do to get Azias lured in, I knew I definitely wanted Devon's torture to begin 3 months in advance. Finding him was as easy as kidnapping him. There was nothing much to it," Richard mocked. At this point, I was about tired of his nonchalant behavior. He fucked with my life for years and caused me unnecessary trauma that I was still battling, all for his personal joy. He was a very sick man, but the only help he'd be receiving would be a bullet in his skull!

"I really hadn't thought I'd be chasing you down for over a year, Azias," he addressed me. "When Sapphire told you the truth— that she had been working for me, she kinda fucked shit up. That three-months goal went right out the window. I even lost sight of you for a while, but I knew where she was in PA. That was one of the safe houses I had bugged, and let me just say that her getting rid of your useless child was music to my ears!" He smiled at me, knowing damn well he had gotten into my head. He knew exactly what buttons to push, and the fact that he was rubbing that in made me even more pissed.

I fucking hated this man!

"Then I hear news that you're in Florida. That was the only time I cared to follow you on my own. When you saw me in the convenience store, I hoped you'd approach me. Maybe even call me dad so I could pretend even more that I had no fucking clue who you were. You didn't approach me, though, which was okay because I noticed how bothered you were by my presence. To take the shift off of me, I had two people, from the group I framed you to, attack you, let you get away, and then drive up to the motel Sapphire was heading to, knowing you'd follow them. I needed you reunited to further distract you. I also wanted you to find Ace and feel like everything was fine and dandy. Give you hope in the midst of all this chaos. Make you optimistic to fight the war you were destined to lose," Richard admitted, letting me know that all of the coincidences that happened weren't actually coincidences. Letting me know that he truly spent all this time playing cat and mouse only to further fuck with my head. "Trust me, if I knew where Diane was located, I'd have her looking like Devon too!"

This piece of shit!

"So how do I anticipate this situation going?" Richard asked. "Ace, you and sister will learn to love me again. I only explained all of this for your sake...so you can understand why I had to leave and why I had to do all of this! I never gave a shit if Azias died before knowing the truth! My orders were to always shoot to kill, but you, my dear boy, deserved an explanation. I hope you see now that the reason your life is the way it is right now is all because of your mother, Devon, and Azias! You do understand why they have to die, right?"

"The struggles you had to go through to finance our family was a lot, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. But what you did to innocent people...what you did to my brother! That's unforgivable!" Ace disagreed with him and chose to side with me instead.

Angrily, Ace vented, "If you actually gave a shit about me or Ariela, you wouldn't have left. At the very least, you would've filed for custody for us when you started making your big money. What's worse, you wouldn't have had me tortured day in and day out for a fucking year and some! And you especially wouldn't have put my life in danger by having people shoot after Azias and me during your attempt to kill my brother. Mom cheated on you with your best friend, and they both lied about it to cover it up. That was fucked up; I get that, but how you chose to respond, I can never understand! You don't know the trauma you caused when you walked out. What's worse, you made the only person willing to step up and fill your shoes leave us behind too. None of this was done to benefit Ariela nor me. This was all to make the people who wronged you suffer. And believe it or not, Azias was not one of those people! He's just another innocent life that you fucking ruined! I'll never forgive you for what you did to my family!"

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