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As I stood there alone in the bathroom, I could hear my heart racing out of my chest. It felt as if time had frozen as I stared at the results from the tests. I couldn't believe it!

"What were the results?" Rose asked as she opened the bathroom door.

I turned the results in her direction, and she gasped as she covered her mouth.

"I can't believe it!" I said in surprise. "Do you think I should have him buy some more tests? You know, to be sure?"

"I mean, those are five tests. I'm pretty sure they're accurate," Rose answered.

"What do I tell Azias?"

"The truth. What else?"

I informed, "I think he was hoping deep down that I was pregnant. Now that I know I'm not, what if I make him sad?"

"Girl, y'all can always try after the threat is over," she chuckled. "I'm sure he can wait!"

"Okay," I breathed.

"You ready to start your makeup?"

"I'm gonna take a quick shower first," I let her know.

"Okay, text me when you're ready," she instructed before leaving.

I wasn't pregnant!

As much as I wanted a family with Azias, I didn't think that now was the right time. We were still under attack, and the last thing I wanted to worry about was a pregnant me wobbling around trying to duck from gunshots.

Hours later

Azias' POV

"Alright, we're two minutes out. Close your eyes," I instructed and she giggled.

"You really want it to be a surprise, huh?" Sapphire giggled as she closed her eyes.

"I do," I chuckled as the yacht came into view. "No peeking, by the way. I'll let you know when you can open them."

She giggled, "I'm so nervous."

I parked the car and then got the door for her before helping her out of the car. I then carefully led her to the entrance of the yacht before instructing, "Open your eyes."

She opened them and gasped as she took in the sight. It wasn't the yacht that I had owned, as that yacht was in New York, but it was one that had many similar features.

I had wanted to reenact our first date. That day had meant so much to me. It was the first time I had allowed myself to let my guards down. It was the first time I had allowed her to get to know me.

"Just like our first date," she warmly smiled, and I gave a nod before helping her into the yacht. As we entered, I could smell the food I instructed the chefs to make being cooked. It smelt great! "Mm, whatever they're cooking, I can't wait to eat!" she exclaimed, making me chuckle. "Will there be a piano again?"

"No, unfortunately," I smiled. I remembered how much she enjoyed playing along with me, but I couldn't arrange to get a piano into this yacht, nor could I find a yacht with a piano in it.

"That's unfortunate," she pouted as we got situated at the dining table. "Will we be going to another area like the last time?"

"Yes, but then we'll be brought back here," I answered her.

"Okay," she smiled. "How was your day?"

Nerve wracking. I had been running up and down the entire day trying to make tonight go as smoothly as possible.

"It was aight," I answered. "Yours?"

She paused before answering, "It was beautiful. The flowers were really the cherry on top."

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