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A/N:  (1) This is a long chapter, but most of it is about sex 🤣 (2) Since only 1 person answered the questions I asked in the last chapter, I think it's only fair you don't get that bonus chapter I was going to give 🤔 💁🏽‍♀️

I was sleeping so peacefully until the sound of my phone ringing woke me from my nap. I sleepily reached for it and brought it to my face to see who was calling.

Unknown caller ID.

It was probably Ricardo again.

I shook Azias' shoulder to wake him for the call, but he was deep in sleep. "Zy!" I whined as I continued shaking his shoulders.

"Hm?!" He hummed with aggravation from me disturbing his sleep.

"A call," I let him know as I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Sapphire, how nice to hear your voice," Ricardo answered, making me roll my eyes. As if hearing Ricardo's voice was the boost he needed, Azias' eyes snapped open with alertness.

"Cut the bullshit," I rolled my eyes. "The fuck do you want?"

"Azias Wolfe," Ricardo answered. "Put him on the phone."

Azias answered, "I'm here." His voice was raspy from having been woken not too long ago, and I always found his raspy voice cute. However, I couldn't enjoy the sound of his voice because more pressing issues were at hand.

"Wow! Reaper, we haven't met," Ricardo said in a voice that didn't even try to hide its excitement.

"Last I check, you tried to ambush me," Azias replied as he sat up.

Ricardo chuckled, "Well, you had other plans too."

"So why the phone call now?" Azias sighed.

"Because it's fun taunting you," Ricardo answered. "The Boss is having a blast with this."

Azias frowned, "The Boss is with you right now?!"

"Yes," Ricardo confirmed. "The Boss doesn't wish to speak with you, so don't ask."

"How ironic," Azias replied with dry humor. "The Boss is really just a pussy."

Ricardo responded, "It won't be funny when you've lost everything and everyone you love."

"How about we just cut the back and forth and you tell me what all of this is about, huh? If not who is the Boss, at least tell me why I'm being chased by this clown!" Azias impatiently requested.

"Simple, you robbed the Boss of everything, and now  the favor is being returned," Ricardo answered.

Azias was about to speak, but then Ricardo ended the phone call before Azias could respond with whatever comment or question he had.

"I wish they could just be direct for once," I rolled my eyes, annoyed that everyone on the Boss' team spoke in riddles.

Azias sighed as he rubbed his eyes. He then complained, "Imagine being woken out of your sleep for nothing. They could honestly fuck off."

"Do you think the person is someone you robbed from in the past?" I asked, wishing it were that simple.

Azias shook his head as he informed, "Those rich fuckers didn't give a shit about what I stole. They reported it stolen, yes, and then they'd replace it after. I know because I used to keep tabs on the people I stole from. I was paranoid that I left a clue behind that would put me behind bars. It wasn't until I became Reaper that I dropped my paranoia and stopped robbing."

"Well, what did you use to steal? Maybe you accidentally stole something really sentimental," I suggested.

"Jewelry," he answered. "I'd steal them, pawn them, and then use the money to pay for my mom's treatment and my family's living expenses. I get that jewelry can hold sentimental memories and shit, but I really don't think someone would be so persistent in killing me over it."

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