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It hadn't been my voice that let out that surprise, but rather Ace's.

I was so fucking confused!

Ace reached for his gun, but I quickly stopped him because I wanted to confirm whether Marco had failed to do his part of the mission.

Ace looked at me all confused and shit, and I said to Michael and Ricardo, "Make the call."

"Sure. One last torment for you," Ricardo teased as he took his phone out. He then began calling a number, and once the phone was answered, he placed the call on speaker.

"I don't wanna speak to anyone!" Sapphire defiantly said.

"Saph?" I called out, and she gasped.

"Zy?! Is it really you?" she worriedly replied.

I answered, "Yes." How the fuck did the Boss know where to find Marco? Had there really been a spy?! "Are you okay?"

She began to cry, "Yes, but I'm so scared!" In the background, I heard Rose and Pharaoh crying too, so Sapphire filled me in, saying, "They shot Marco! And now they have us kneeling on the ground with guns pointing at us..."

There was a pang in my chest from the news. Could Marco be dead?!

"Is he still alive?" Ace worriedly questioned.

Emory spoke up to say, "He won't be for long. They won't let me help him, but judging the amount of bleeding, he's probably been hit in a major artery."

"Fuck," I breathed under my breath.

I didn't understand how they could've known about the plan we made, but upon looking at Devon once again, I realized that we were played. As reality hit me, I just became angrier and angrier.

Ricardo spoke, "Every 15 minutes, the guards will check in for updates on what to do with your little family, so don't try anything stupid."

Ricardo then hung up the phone, and Michael asked, "So, have you pieced it together yet?"

I looked at Ace, who had been fuming over the news we just got. I then looked at Devon whose gaze had still been fixed on me.

"Richard's the Boss," I derived.

That's how Marco got captured. Richard saw when we split up! He probably had a second phone too!

Ricardo and Michael laughed while clapping. Then, Ricardo teased, "And it only took you a...year and some?"

"Why is he doing this?" Ace asked.

Michael answered, "We'll leave that for him to explain. He would've been here sooner had someone not shot the tires of his car." Michael smiled at Ace, and I felt my blood boiling under my skin. I wanted to kill these two fucks right here and now. The only thing stopping me was the fact that Marco had been shot and everyone in his car had been captured.

I couldn't believe my fucking eyes and ears. We fucking lost. Big time.

I knew that Richard couldn't be trusted, but I thought that his ultimate betrayal was wanting to hand the two of us over to the Boss in exchange for his son. Come to find out, he was the fucking Boss and just used that excuse to get us into the trap he wanted to set from the jump! Ace and I should've fucking shot him when we had the chance!

"In the meantime," Ricardo said as he clapped his hands, and a lady came walking down the stairs with cuffs in her hands.

The woman smiled, "If you'd be so kind as to place all your weapons on the ground and hands behind your back, that would be lovely!"

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