The New Guy - Chapter 1

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**Haileys P.O.V.**

I have a love and hate relationship with this high school. I hate having to actually do school work and tests and all the sucky things like that. But I love being able to see everyone (the ones that I actually like) and get to live out my teen years I guess you can say.

I'm a senior finally. We are one week into the new school year. It hasn't been awful, but again it's only been a week. We started last Wednesday so today is now Wednesday meaning two more days till the weekend already.

My name is Hailey Cameron and I'm seventeen years old. My closest friends are Sabrina, Jaden and Travis. The four of us have been inseparable since middle school.

And my boyfriends name is Lucas. We've been dating for seven months now. I know it's not that long, but honestly it's felt longer. Things have been a little rocky with us this last month. There were a few times I have seen a side to him that I don't really like. I've brushed it off though because I love him. He's the first boyfriend I've said I love you to and who I've lost my virginity to so I'm trying to hold onto this relationship.

I just keep most of our fights secret because if my friends heard the way he fights with me, they would hate him. Sabrina already gets bad vibes from him so I tell her mostly just the good. He gets along with my guy friends which is important to me. I don't really hang around his friends, but they're cool.

"Struggling?" I heard Jaden's voice next to me. I look up from the lock on my locker and up at him with a smile.

"As always I keep forgetting it" I told him with a giggle and he laughed. He leaned again the locker next to mine.

"Last year it took you two months to remember it. You need to write it on your hand" He joked with me. He flashed his famous smile every girl in this school drolls over. I have to say all my friends are attractive. But I would never get with them. We are too close for that.

"Actually it took just a little over a month." I said back making him shake his head. I pulled out the crumpled up papers that has my locker combo on it from my pocket.

"Give me" he said putting out his hand for the paper. I handed it to him without questioning. I watched him take a sharpie from his bag and he grabbed my wrist.

"Jaden what-" I stopped talking once he started to write my locker combo on my wrist. "Don't write it big! I don't want anyone to see my combo" I said and he let out a laugh.

"I'm not" he finished writing it and he looked at me with a goofy smile. "Took me four years to do that" he joked and I playfully pushed his shoulder as we laughed. I grabbed the paper from his hand and shoved it onto my bag. "So I did a nice thing" he started to tell me as I tried to open up my locker.

"And what is that?" I asked as I got my locker open.

"I made friends with one of the new kids, but he's actually dope as hell. He's so cool and he has classes with Travis too so he made friends with him and I swear he's just like us" Jaden explained to me. "He likes a lot of the same things we like. He also is really into music like me" he added in an excited tone.

"Really?" I asked as I looked over at him again. He nodded.

"Yeah. I think you and Sabrina are going to really like him. He's not an asshole either, he's nice" He told me and I grabbed the book I needed.

"That's good. We need more nice guys around here" I said with a small laugh.

"Speaking of guys, how is everything with you and Lucas? You left Sabs house pretty early yesterday" He questioned me.

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