Chapter 27 - Really?

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Liked by itsjaden and 182 others justinbieber ❤️

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justinbieber ❤️

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4 hours ago

I smiled down at my phone as I just saw Justin posted a photo of our hands on his Instagram. It's cute. I slide my phone into my pocket and look up at my friends. We are at lunch, thank god. It's also Friday so I'm happy.

"Guys I want to do something fun tonight." Sab told us. "I also want to invite Connor" she added making me smile a bit. Her and Connor really hit it off on their date.

"Hell yeah, let's go out and do something" Jaden agreed.

"We can go to Dave and Busters" I suggested.

"Shit I haven't been there in forever. We went months ago" Travis said. "I'm so down to go there"

"What's that?" Justin asked.

"Bro you don't know what that is?" Jaden asked him and Justin shook his head.

"It's this place that has like all these fun games and a restaurant. It's fun as fuck" Travis explained to him.

"I think that's perfect. That way it can't be awkward at all if it is" Sab said.

"It's really fun." I added in. I looked over at Travis who's looking behind me with a confused look. Justin is sitting next to him with the same look on his face. Sab, Jaden and I are sitting on one side facing them. I looked over my shoulder to see Josh walking up to us with an angry look on his face.

"Yo Jaden" He said as he reached this table. Oh no. Jaden turned his body to look at him.

"What?" Jaden asked him.

"Get up" Josh says angrily to Jaden.

"Excuse me?" Jaden says back not moving.

"I said get the fuck up" Josh repeated himself, but with more anger.

"Woah what's going on?" Justin asked.

"Yo chill" Travis said something too. Sab and I just watched in shock. Jaden stood up and faced Josh. Josh instantly pushes him.

"You're a bitch" Josh snapped at him.

"Josh what the fuck?" I asked. Jaden chuckled not phased at all by this.

"Oh yeah? You think it's fucking funny what you did?" Josh yelled at him. I felt like everyone's eyes were on them. What did Jaden do so wrong to him?

"I don't know what you're talking about" Jaden said with a smirk on his face. He definitely did something because if he didn't, he would be defensive right now.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" Josh said shaking his head. "You're a piece of shit." Josh got into his face again.

"Maybe I am" Jaden said and shrugged. He isn't phased at all. He kept a smirk on his face.

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