Chapter 13 - Jaden

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It's been about an hour since I put my phone in do not disturb. I have just been scrolling through my photos.

I shouldn't be this upset over Justin right now. I sighed to myself. I really like Justin.

I heard something hitting my window. What the hell. I got out of my bed and quickly walked over to the window as I still heard things tapping my window. I looked out my window to see Jaden throwing rocks. He stopped once he saw me. I'm relived to see it's only him. I quickly opened my window.

"Jaden? What the hell?" I asked and laughed a little.

"Let me in! I been trying to call you" He said and I just nodded.

"Front door" I told him then shut my window. I walked out of my room and right when I did, I saw my mom walking down the stairs. She stopped and turned once she heard me.

"Oh hi" she said to me then kept walking.

"Jaden's at the front door by the way" I said as I followed her down.

"Oh okay. Is everything okay?" She asked me. Once we got to the bottom, she turned to me and I shrugged.

"I don't know he just showed up. He's probably fine" I told her. I walked over to the front door and opened it and he came walking in.

"Hi guys" he said to us both.

"Hi Jaden" she said giving him a smile then walked into the kitchen.

"Hey" I said to him then nodded towards the stairs.

"You okay?" He asked me as we walked up them.

"I'll tell you when we get upstairs" I told him. He didn't say anything else as we walked. As we got into my room, I shut the door behind us. I watched him kick his shoes off and jump onto my bed. I laughed at the way he looked like a child doing that.

"I been calling you, Hails. Why you dodging everyone?" He asked me. I sighed as I sat down on my bed. I sat near the end of my bed with my legs crossed while he got comfortable and laid with his back against my headboard and his legs laid out.

"I got annoyed with Justin and just didn't wanna talk to anyone" I told him and he didn't look surprised. "And you know" I said and then shook my head once he didn't say anything back. "That's why you're here?" I asked him as I crossed my arms.

"Of course not. I have been bored all night just trying to write a song, but I had writers block. Then Justin called me asking if I talked to you and I said no then he told me what happened. And then I called you a few times. So I took it upon myself to come check on you" he told me. I just nodded and stared at him.

"What kind of song were you trying to write?" I asked him and he let out a laugh.

"Don't change the subject" he said then kicked my leg.

"Ow!" I said laughing as I smacked his foot.

"Nah be for real, bro. I'm trying to make sure you're good" he told me. I shrugged.

"I'm fine. We aren't dating so he can do whatever he wants." I said as I looked down at my hands.

"I highly doubt he did anything with any of those girls" Jaden said making me look up at him. "He really likes you"

"He's drunk and single so who knows what he'll do" I said and shrugged again. I'm just praying Justin is telling me the truth.

"You're stupid" he said shaking his head.

"What? No I'm not" I said then smacked his leg. He just laughed.

"You are" He said and I laid down like he was and just stared up at the ceiling. "He really likes you and really cares for you. He's not going to do anything stupid. He isn't stupid enough to ruin everything he has been working for. He's crazy about you." he told me. I slowly looked over at him.

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