Chapter 26 - Finally

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I'm so tired. I would do anything to go back to sleep. But sadly, I have school. It's only Tuesday...

I'm standing in my bathroom brushing my hair. I'm pretty much ready to leave. I heard a knock on my bedroom door so I yelled out, "Come in!"

I looked over as the door opened to see a sleepy looking Jaden walk in. After he showered last night, he didn't sober up too much so I told him he can sleep in the guest bedroom tonight and I can drive him to his car this morning then he can go home from there.

"Morning" I said to him then looking back in the mirror.

"Morning" he mumbled then yawned as he walked into the bathroom. "Bro I don't know what I was thinking last night" He said as he sat on the edge of the tub. He covered his face with his hands and groaned.

"Me neither, stupid" I said jokingly. He slowly looked up at me.

"She somehow convinced me to have a drink or two with her and the next thing you know, I was so drunk out of my mind. I don't know what she did." He told me as he shook his head.

"That's not good." I said and shook my head now.

"If I knew Justin was here, I wouldn't have come. I'm sorry, I hope you guys weren't in the middle of anything." He said and I turned around to look at him.

"I don't care who is here, if you need me, I'm here. You don't have to question that or apologize." I said and he nodded. "Also we really haven't gotten far enough for you to interrupt anything" I said and his eyes widened.

"No way. Really? Why?" He asked in shock.

"Why are you so surprised?" I asked him.

"Because he's a teenage boy who wants you and is all about you and you want him back. Has he even made that kind of move on you?" He asked him and I laughed.

"Oh my god Jaden. Shut up. We haven't hung out that many times alone. We are just now finally building something with no drama involved. It's still kind of new" I told him. I put my hair brush down and crossed my arms.

"Okay if you say so" He said and shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Ready to go?" I asked him. He nodded as he stood up.

"Yeah let's go" He said back and we walked out of the bathroom.


We are almost half way through the school day and I still am so tired. It's a rainy day so the gloomy skies are putting me in a sleepy mood where I would rather be home in bed watching a movie or something.

I'm walking to my next class right now. Well, it's a study in the library so I can just go on my phone or do school work. But I haven't gotten any homework yet so I'll just go on my phone.

I walked into the library and found the farthest table from the door that was empty. I was only the second person in this class to be here so I'm kind of early. I placed my books in front of me as I sat down.

I looked around then saw Lucas and this guy James (he is in that whole friend group) walk in. They didn't look in my direction until they sat at the table, thankfully far from me. I looked down quickly. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and ignored them. I'm praying they leave me alone. James was always in the study, but never Lucas. Josh is in this study and he always sits with James. I wonder what's going to happen now that Lucas is in here. Ugh, why the fuck is he here? I do not want to be in the same room as him.

I looked down at my phone to stop thinking about it. I saw some texts from the group chat with my friends.

Jaden: ya there's no way in hell I'm coming in today

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