Chapter 44 - Thank You California

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"Call me crazy, but-" I stopped when Jaden already started to laugh. I crossed my arms as I looked at him. "Why are you already laughing at me?" I asked him. I frowned.

"Because every time you start a sentence like that, it's something crazy." He said as he looked back at me.

"Not every time." I mumbled then continued to hang up my clothes.

We just got to Malibu about two hours and we are now unpacking. My grandpa put a big mattress on the floor in the room I always stay in so Jaden could stay in here too. The other two guest bedrooms are full. One for my parents and the other for my cousin and my aunt which is her
mom. I guess my grandpa got a new mattress so he put his old one in here since he knew Jaden was coming for Christmas. And right now I'm hanging my clothes in the closet and Jaden's putting his clothes in the dresser.

"What were you going to say?" Jaden asked me.

"Don't laugh at me." I said as I looked at him again.

"I'm not." He said with a chuckle. I raised my eyebrows since he just laughed. "Oh my god." He said rolling his eyes, but still had a smile on his face. "Just tell me."

"Is it bad that I already miss Justin?" I asked and he smiled again.

"I think it's sweet." He told me.

"Have you talked to him at all like since last night?" I asked him as I sat on the bed.

"I mean only at your house. Why?" He asked. I started to smile as I looked down.

"Well." I stopped as I looked back up at him. "He told me he loves me last night." I told him and his eyes widened.

"Fucking finally. That's great." He said back. "Feels more real to say it out loud, huh?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah. It does." I said still with a little smile. I went to keep talking, but there was a knock behind me. I looked over to see my mom walking in.

"Hey guys." She said with a smile. "Is that mattress okay?" She asked Jaden.

"Yes. Thank you." He said back with a smile. "You'd be surprised. I might sleep better than Hailey." He joked making us laugh a little.

"It's probably better than the air mattress from last time." My mom said and he nodded agreeing. "So we are going to have an early dinner tonight so that we could go somewhere. So come down whenever you guys are done unpacking." She told us.

"Okay, where are we going?" I asked her as I stood back up.

"Rodeo." She said and I started to smile. "So hurry up." She joked then walked out.

"I wonder if we will see someone famous." Jaden said and I laughed.

"Maybe you'll find a girlfriend." I joked as I continued to put my stuff away.

"Maybe you'll find a girlfriend" he mocked me. "Shut up." He said back and I laughed. Jaden's like the brother I always wanted. I love annoying him.


"So tomorrow I have the photo shoot so you can come if you want or go do whatever with my cousins maybe." I told Jaden. It's our second day here and we came to this shopping center for some of the day and now we are just sitting at one of the tables outside before we go anywhere else.

"Yeah, I think they might be going on a hike." My mom told us. "Would you want to do that?" My mom asked him. Once I heard no response, I looked over to see him staring into the distance and my mom just watching him. I looked over at her and she looked at me and shrugged. We both looked back at him and I tried to follow his eyes to where he was staring. I turned my body and looked to see a girl, most likely our age, standing not far from us with her family. I quickly looked back at my mom and she smiled at me. I guess she noticed.

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