Chapter 32 - The Party

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It's finally the day of my birthday party at Sabrina's house. I'm so excited. It's going to be so fun. I trust that no one will cause problems. It's going to be a great night. Sab and I just finished getting ready. I have been here all day at her house.

Justin and Travis are actually down stairs hanging out just waiting for the party to start. Jaden is going to be a little late because he is getting Landon at the airport, which I think he might have done that already, then going back to his house so they can drop off Landon's stuff then coming here.

Obviously Connor will be here soon, but he is also bringing Josh. Jaden already made me a promise he will stay far away from Josh tonight. A good amount of people are coming, but not too many.

"I think Jaden and Landon are here." I heard Sab say. I look over to see her looking out her window.

"That was fast." I said with a laugh. "I thought they would be late"

"Yeah. Me too" She agreed. "I think I'm ready." She said as she sat on her bed.

"I'm almost ready" I told her. "You can go down, I'll be right down."

"You sure?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Yes, it's your house" I said with a laugh.

"Okay okay." She said as she stood back up. She walked out and shut the door behind her. I fixed my hair a little bit then put on just a little more perfume. Honestly, I just needed a little more time up here because I'm starting to feel nervous and I'm not sure why. I took a deep breath and then shook my head. There's nothing to be nervous about at all.

"Okay." I mumbled quietly to myself. So I opened up the door and already heard everyone's voices down stairs. I do hear Jaden's voice meaning they are here early. I walked down the stairs and instantly saw Justin standing in the living room. He smiled once he saw me and I did the same. Then Jaden and Landon came around the corner out of the kitchen once I stepped off of the stairs.

"Hi!" I said excitedly.

"Hey!" Landon said and quickly pulled me into a hug. He lifted me off the ground making me laugh. "I missed you" he said as he put me back down and let go.

"I missed you too." I said smiling.

"You look great." He said as he nodded.

"Awe thanks Landon." I said back. "Did you meet everyone?" I asked him.

"I sure did." He said back with a smirk that worried me.

"Sup sis." Jaden said as he nodded.

"Hi J" I said back and he gave me a quick hug.

"Your first birthday shot is with me." Jaden said to me and I laughed.

"Deal." I agreed. "One second though." I said then turned around to walk to Justin and saw him already looking at me. He gave me a closed mouth smile this time. "Hey" I said to him with a smile.

"I'm dating a model" he said shaking his head and I blushed. "You look absolutely amazing." He said as he put his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thanks, babe" I said back. I leaned up and kissed him.

"Let's get this shit started!" I heard Travis' voice. I laughed as I looked over at him. Then looked back at Justin.

"Everyone's going to start walking in soon so I need shots, you in?" I asked him and he laughed and nodded.


The party's been great so fun. It's been a lot of fun and thankfully no drama.

"Come on we have to take a picture!" Landon said as he put one hand on my shoulder and the other on Jaden's shoulder.

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