Chapter 38 - As Normal As Friends

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It's Monday now and surprisingly todays been a pretty good day. Although I didn't hear from Justin at all yesterday which is fine because I didn't expect him to, we talked like normal at lunch today. Well not normal, but normal like how it was before we started to date. But at least he's talking to me I guess.

I also saw Lucas in the halls today and I couldn't help, but to laugh at his face. Justin did good. Am I messed up to say it felt good to see the bruises on his face? I guess not after what he did to me.

Anyway, School went by fast today and the final bell rang so now everyone is walking out of the classes and out of the school. I'm walking down the halls now about to walk out to go meet Sab at her car. We have this new thing where we take turns driving each other to school so we could get coffee together in the mornings. It's made our days better honestly.

As I was about to walk out the doors, I heard my name get called behind me. My heart started to beat faster knowing it was Justin. I stopped walking and turned around. He instantly smiled at me.

"Hey." I said to him with a smile too.

"Are you coming to Jadens?" He asked me as we walked out the doors together. Jaden asked us to come over after school to chill with him as he goes through his closet because he wants to get rid of some stuff, but also wants company.

"Yeah, you?" I asked back and he nodded.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked me. I was fighting a smile this time. "I just have to stop at my house because I want to change. If that's cool" He said with a little smirk on his face.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah sure. Just let me tell Sabrina." I told him and he began to smile as he nodded. Wow. That just made me so happy. I pulled out my phone and started to call Sab.

"Hey, sorry I'm walking over now. I was by Connors car." She quickly said.

"Oh no it's okay. I'm actually going to get a ride from Justin." I told her and I tried my hardest not to smile. I didn't want Justin to see this actually made me excited. He would just laugh.

"No way. That's great. Tell me the details later. Love you!" She said then hung up on me. I laughed then looked at Justin. He was already staring at me.

"Okay let's go." I said to him. He nodded then we walked over to his car in silence. You would think I would know what to say since we dated, but I feel like I'm at a loss of words. He has me so nervous. I got into the car and it felt like forever since I been in here even though it really wasn't that long ago.

"So how was New York? Jaden told me about it." He asked as we started to drive.

"It was pretty amazing. It was a good experience. I was there for three days. I want to do it again." I told him. I felt so comfortable again just being with him normally.

"You looked beautiful." He told me. I looked over at him as my face got red. He glanced over at me with a smile.

"Thank you." I said before looking back at the road. I couldn't help, but to smile.

"Any deals or contacts from doing that?" He asked me.

"A few offers, but it's stuff in LA so I'm going to pick one for when I go around Christmas." I told him.

"Oh right! I forgot you were going for a second. I'm sure you're going to have a great holiday break then." He said with a little smile glancing over at me.

"Uh yeah. I guess." I said back because there was one major reason I wasn't as excited anyone. Landon.

"You guess? A week of living on the beach, seeing your family, being in warm weather, modeling. It's all amazing, Hails." My heart fluttered a little when he called me that.

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