Chapter 9 - Wow

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It's finally Friday. It has felt like such a long week.

But thankfully, we are at a party right now. We all came separate because Sab and I were "taking too long for them." They are really dramatic. But we got here not to long ago and I started to drink right when I got here.

I'm standing in the kitchen talking with Sab and Paige. Just about all drama happening at the school. Of course because what else would Paige be talking about? I love her, she's a great friend, but she lives for gossiping. But I'm enjoying it right now only because it's some crazy stuff.

"Hey ladies" I heard a familiar voice who gives me butterflies every time. I looked up at Justin with a smile.

"Hi Justin" Paige said to him as she moved over so he can stand with us.

"Me and Paige were just about to go find Travis for her. Be right back" Sab said as she smiled and linked arms with Paige. She quickly pulled her away. Justin and I both laughed.

"Hi" I said as he looked back at me.

"Hey" he said with a small smile then took a sip of his drink.

"While I have you alone, I wanted to ask you something" I told him and he stepped closer to me.

"Just warning you, I'm very tipsy" He said and I just laughed.

"That's okay" I said with a nod. "I feel like you've been acting different with me all week. Why?" I asked him. He took a deep breath and looked away almost like he was thinking or heisting. I've barely talked to him outside of school all week. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked and he quickly looked back at me.

"No no. It's just" he stopped and took another breath. "You kept saying you needed to be alone and saying you need to heal and all this stuff, and also pushing away the fact that I wanted to be there for you. But you were talking to Jaden and Sab and Travis about everything, but not me. So I took the hint" he said then shrugged.

"But there's a reason for that. I didn't do that to single you out o-or because I have something against you. I appreciate you wanting to be there for me. You're a great guy, Justin" I told him.

"Thank you, but what's the reason?" He asked me.

"I didn't want to talk about my ex and show how upset I was because-" I stopped talking and breathed out. I don't want to say it out loud.

"Because of what?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"You know, forget it" I said then looked down and tried to walk passed him. He put his arm out to stop me so I looked back up at him.

"No I don't want to forget it. I really thought we clicked. I thought we had something going" he said in an offended tone.

"We do" I said back to him.

"So what is it?" He asked me again. He stared down at me waiting for an answer. Maybe it's because I have some alcohol in my system, but I think I'm going to tell him. But we've only known each other for a few weeks maybe I should keep my mouth shut and get to know him more. "Fine, I'll forget it" he said with attitude then turned to walk away.

"Wait" I said as I grabbed his arm. Here goes nothing. He turned back around. Since I stepped closer to stop him, our bodies were close. He stared waiting for me to talk. "I don't want to cry about my ex in front of you and possibly ruin a chance I had with you in the future" I told him honestly. I felt so nervous and I can feel my body almost shaking.

"Really?" He asked me. He seemed less tense now. Less pissed off. I nodded.

"You were right we did click so fast and I feel so comfortable around you. I'm going to be honest, I feel something for you, Justin. But I'm still healing from everything with Lucas and I didn't want you to hear me say anything about him incase it ruined anything between us" I explained to him.

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