Chapter 33 - Elevated Heartbreak

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I guess I blacked out last night. I don't remember everyone leaving. I don't remember how I got into my pajamas and into Sabs bed. I picked up my head from the pillow to see Sab sitting up on her phone. She looked over at me and laughed.

"Good morning, party animal" she joked and I didn't say anything as I sat up. "How do you feel?" She asked me.

"Surprisingly no headache. I'm fine. Just really hungry." I told her as I leaned against the head board.

"Really? Wow." She said back.

"I don't remember the end of the night. I don't know how I got up here and changed." I said to her.

"Connor helped you up here, but I obviously helped change you." She told me. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Umm." I said as I started to think. A lot was a blur. "Jaden and I taking three shots in a row because well- you know the back story of three with us." I told her and she looked shocked. Three is Jaden and I's number we use for everything. We even have it tattooed on us. It's a long story of how it started.

"Well that was around eleven and everyone left at twelve and we didn't come up here for bed until one." She told me and my eyes widened.

"So I don't remember two hours from last night?" I asked then groaned. "Did I do anything stupid?"

"No. You didn't." She answered. I looked over at the night stand and saw my phone and quickly grabbed it. I saw a missed call from Justin at one in the morning. Oh god. And a missed text. Oh my god I drunk texted him...

Me: im reallt drunk ans im so mad at yu

Justin: for what? for being mad at u?
Justin: answer my call

Wow. I saw Landon texted me saying hi so I texted him back and locked my phone.

"Should I text Justin?" I asked Sab and she looked at me and nodded. I went back into my text with Justin and just texted him saying, 'hey'. Before I could lock my phone, Landon started to call me. "Hey Landon" I answered.

"Hey Hails. How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Honestly fine. I don't know how" I said with a little laugh and he chuckled.

"Well that's good. Hey Jaden and Travis are way too hung over to even get up so I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast with me. Sabrina can come too if she's down. I have to leave in two hours." He told me.

"Yeah I'm down. I'll pick you up in fifteen." I said back to him.

"Perfect. See you soon." He said then hung up. I looked over at Sab who is already looking at me.

"Landon has to leave in two hours and wants to get breakfast, but the guys are too hung over to leave the house. You want to go?" I asked her then stood up so I can get my shit together.

"I would, but I can't. Connors car isn't working and I told him I would drive him somewhere." She told me and I nodded.

"It's okay. I'm probably going to see if I could stop by Justin's after anyway. We have to talk." I told her. She nodded.

"Yeah" She agreed. "I think everything will be fine. You guys just have to talk."

"I agree."


"Thanks for paying." I said to Landon as we walked out of the restaurant. We just finished eating. It was nice to catch up just the two of us. Even though I'll see him in a few weeks again.

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