Chapter 35 - Snow Day

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"Hailey!" I heard Sabs voice loudly. I laughed then my bedroom door swung open. She walked in with her school bag and a duffel bag. I got home a few hours ago from the city and she just got out of school about an hour ago.

"What's with the bag?" I asked with a laugh.

"Before we left school, they made an announcement that we have no school tomorrow because there's going to be a snow storm. So you know what that means." She told me as she put her stuff down.

"Sleepover?" I asked and she nodded. I laughed again. "Good because I really wasn't looking forward to going to school tomorrow. I'm too nervous to see Justin." I told her. She took a breath as she sat down on my bed.

"I know I can imagine." She frowned. "Have you tried to talk to him since you tried Sunday?" She asked.

"No. Jaden told me not to" I told her. "He would know better since they spend so much time together."

"Yeah they've gotten extremely close." She said back.

"It was good when we were dating." I said with a little laugh to show I'm joking.

"I wouldn't give up hope. I think he just needs time to realize that you wouldn't do something like that like his ex would have." She said shaking her head.

"Did he say that she did that?" I asked her and she nodded.

"He told us that his ex would flirt with the guys he was chill with, at a party and when he would confront her about it she would laugh at him and tell him that maybe he's just insecure." She told me and I rolled my eyes.

"What a bitch." I mumbled. "Justin has no reason to be insecure. He's so hot and could get any girl he wants. He is good at literally everything. He is perfect." I said then shook my head.

"It takes one shitty person in a relationship to destroy that secure part of you." Sab said back.

"Yeah." I said nodding. I sighed loudly and leaned back against my headboard. "I really miss him." I quietly said. I felt my tears start to water, but I held them back the best I could.

"I'm sorry. I know." I didn't say anything back because I felt like if I say one more thing about Justin, I'm going to cry.

"Um how about we tell the boys to come here too? You can ask Connor too." I suggested and she just looked at me like she felt bad. "What?" I asked.

"Well Connor is staying home and the boys are staying at Jadens.. With Justin." She told me. I slowly nodded.

"That's fine." I said back. "Do you want to go into the basement?" I asked her and she gave me a little smile with a nod. I gave back a forced smile and got out of the bed. I'm going to try my hardest to not think about Justin. "No love movies though, okay?" I said to Sab and she laughed.



It's been hard not thinking of Justin now that the boys are all posting funny videos of whatever they are doing.

"How about we just turn our phones over and not look at them?" Sab asked with a little laugh. I locked my phone and looked up at her.

"I know. I just can't help it." I said back to her. Before she could say anything, my phone buzzed. I looked down and my eyes widened as my jaw dropped once I saw who texted me.

"What?" She asked me.

"Justin texted me." I told her as I looked up at her. Her eyes widened.

"Well, what did he say?" She asked me. I looked back down and instantly knew he was drunk texting me.

The New Guy - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now