Chapter 25 - Call Me Crazy

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It's now Monday and Justins friends left last night. I honestly had a great time with them all weekend. They are really cool and chill people.

Justin and I have been sitting in my basement getting to know more about each other for the last two hours. Right now he's telling me about how his dad and his two younger siblings are coming to visit him soon.

"I'm so excited. I haven't seen them since I moved here and I feel awful about it even though there was nothing I could do about it." He explained to me.

"I'm sure they are just so excited to see you." I said with a smile.

"They are growing up fast and I wish I was there to see it. But I FaceTime them a lot when I'm home and that helps." He told me.

"You're probably a great older brother." I said as I grabbed his hand.

"I try my hardest" he said with a nod. "So you don't have any siblings out there in the world?" He joked and I laughed.

"I do not. Sometimes I wish I did. But I always had Sabrina coming here and sleeping over. Jaden too. He has always been like a pain in the ass brother" I said and he chuckled.

"Oh wait I heard Sab has a date with Connor soon." He said and I nodded quickly.

"She's had a crush on him forever. I'm happy for her." I told him. "And he's such a sweet person so they would be good together." I added.

"Yeah he seems great. Jaden and Travis love him. I've gotten to know him a little bit." he said nodding.

"I can see them being together for sure. I really hope they have a great time" I said back. He gave me a closed mouth smile and nodded.

"You're so sweet" He said then let go of my hand as he moved closer to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I try" I joked with a shrug. He chuckled and pulled me even closer. He started to lean in so I did to. We started to kiss and I put my hand on his neck. I'm actually obsessed with him. But who isn't? We started getting more into the make out as he pulled me on top of his lap. Not going to lie, that was hot. His hands traveled from my waist to my lower back. I had my hands on his chest.

It felt like a few minutes of this Heaven passed until we heard the basement door open. I quickly got off of Justin and he looked at me with a look like he was going to laugh. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Hailey?" I heard my moms voice.

"Yeah?" I called back. I heard her heels clicking on the stairs as she walked down. She must have just gotten home. She went out to eat with some of her friends.

"Hello" Justin said as we now saw her.

"Hi Justin" she said with a quick smile. She looked over at me with a serious look. "We have a problem" she said to me. I put my feet on the ground as I sat up more.

"What is it?" I asked her as I got worried. She made it to the bottom of the steps and walked over to us.

"I pulled into the driveway to see Jaden walking up our lawn to the front door- actually not walking, stumbling. His car isn't here, he walked here from somewhere a few blocks down, he said. He also said he's been trying to call you and text you and you aren't answering. He's very drunk." She told us. Drunk? It's a Monday night.

"Oh my god" I said quietly as I leaned forward and grabbed my phone from the coffee table. I had the ringer off.

"Is he okay?" I heard Justin ask as I looked at my phone. I had a few calls and a few texts from Jaden.

"Yeah, just really drunk" I heard my mom answer him. I feel so bad that I wasn't answering. I sighed as I looked up from my phone. "He's on the couch." She told me and then Justin and I both stood up. "He seems a little sad, but I don't know. I'm going to go get ready for bed, let me know if I need to call his mom." She said then started to walk up the stairs.

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