Chapter 11 - Friends

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This week has slowly dragged by. It's already Friday thank god.

I've barely seen Justin this week. He left school early on Monday right before lunch because he wasn't feeling good. He had a fever. Then he was out of school Tuesday and Wednesday. He came back to school yesterday, but he had to spend his lunch period in his science class because he had to make up a test. I didn't see him after school either because he had a lot of homework to catch up on. I'm not even sure if I'll see him tonight when we all hang out.

We've texted, but that's pretty much it. We haven't talked about our kiss either. But I guess it's better that way.

I shook my head as I opened up my locker. This locker is a pain to open sometimes.

"You and your locker seem to have tension" I heard a voice from next to me. I looked over to see Josh as he leaned his shoulder against the locker next to mine as he faced me. I laughed.

"Yup. Sometimes it just gets stuck" I explained as I put my textbook in my locker.

"Are you going to that party down at Nicks tonight?" he asked me.

"I don't know. I don't think so" I answered him. I grabbed a different textbook and looked back at him. "What if Lucas sees you talking to me?" I joked with a laugh.

"He isn't here today" He told me and my eyes widened a little.

"Oh so that's why you're talking to me?" I asked and he began to shook his head.

"Nah that's not why" he said and I started to laugh showing I wasn't serious about that. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Hey" I heard Travis from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Travis and Justin come up to us.

"Hey" I said back with a smile.

"Sup guys" Josh said to them.

"Yo" Travis said back to him. Justin just nodded his head.

"You coming to lunch?" Travis asked me.

"Yeah I'll be there soon" I told them.

"Um okay" he said slowly and looked at me confused.

"Let's go bro" Justin said to him and they kept walking. I stared at them confused as they walked. Why was that so weird?

"Not going to lie, that was awkward" Josh said causing me to look back at him.

"Right? It wasn't just me then" I said then sighed as I shut my locker.

"You and Justin? Just friends? I mean I won't say anything" He said and I let out a breath then shrugged.

"I think we are just friends" I told him.

"Anyway, the reason I really came to you was to see how you were doing" he told me and we started walking down the hall. "I know your breakup wasn't too bad, but still-" I cut him off as I stopped walking.

"Wasn't too bad?" I asked him confused. I got a little offended. He stopped and looked at him even more confused. "Josh he blackmailed me into staying with him. Then when I tried to end it, he hit me. I didn't come into school for two days because I had a bruise on my face" I told him and he looked shocked. I doubt Lucas told him the truth. Obviously. "You didn't know, did you?" I asked him.

"No" he said shaking his head. "I'm so sorry. What the fuck." He said back. I just nodded and continued to walk while he continued to walk beside me.

"What did he tell you guys?" I asked him. I heard him sigh.

"That you guys were just always fighting and you were done with it. But the way he explained it and how he was acting like he needed you back made his story so believable. He completely fooled me" He told me.

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