Chapter 40 - Revenge

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I ended up not staying at Jadens after the party. I just need to find a way that I could be around Justin as friends. I mean I was doing so well all week at school and when we hung out at Jaden's last week. But at the party, it was like something flipped.

How can I say we aren't more than just friends? I know I love him.

It's Tuesday now and Justin wasn't in school yesterday because he wasn't feeling well. That's what the boys told me. Sunday I didn't hear from Justin like I thought I would. Then I went the whole day again without hearing from him, but I woke up to a text from him from the night before. But I went to sleep early last night so I didn't see it till this morning.

All I said was, 'hey'. I responded saying, 'hey I was asleep.' Then he never answered after that.

The bell rang pulling me from my thoughts. I quickly stood up and walked out. It's time to go to lunch thank god because I'm hungry, but I am a little nervous to see Justin. I walked straight to my locker so I could put my books away.

"Hailey." I knew that voice all too well. I looked over to see Justin now lean against the locker next to mine.

"Oh hey." I said back then I opened up my locker. "How are you feeling?" I asked him since he wasn't in school yesterday.

"A lot better." He answered. I didn't say anything as I put my books in the locker. "I just wanted tell you that I didn't reach out to the last two days because I felt like you needed space from me and-" I cut him off as I turned to him.

"You don't have to explain yourself and I also never said I needed space from you." I said to him then shut my locker. He stood up straight and we both started to walk towards the cafeteria.

"You didn't have to say anything, I could feel it." He told me.

"I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I never wanted space from you ever. You did." I said back. I heard him sigh. There was a little bit of silence before he spoke again.

"Are you busy after school?" He asked me.

"No. Why?"

"Can we talk tonight then?" He asked me. I felt his eyes on me. I glanced over at him.

"Yeah we can." I answered. "You can come over whenever." I told him.

"Okay cool." He responded then we walked into the cafeteria in silence. I walked a little bit ahead of him until we reached the table and greeted our friends.

"Hey buddies." Jaden said to us.

"That looked awkward." Sab quietly said to me and I looked at her and nodded.

"Yeah a little. But he asked if we could talk later." I whispered to her. Her eyes widened.

"That's a good sign." She said and I nodded again.

"Guys I think it's suppose to snow again like bad." Travis said getting my attention.

"I hope it does and that we have a snow day." Connor said back.

"Do you think that will take days off of our winter break though?" I asked.

"I hope not." Sab answered.

"It shouldn't." Justin said shaking his head.

"Eight more days. Thank god" Jaden said excitedly.

"I can't wait." I said smiling now. Tomorrow is a week till we leave for California and I just can't wait to get away.

"It sucks that you guys will miss my birthday." Travis said and I looked at him and frowned.

"I know. I'm sorry. Are you guys going to do anything?" I asked him.

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