Chapter 36 - The City

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It's Friday now and I have yet to see Justin. My anxiety has been through the roof all day. It's only first period right now, but I go to my locker after this class and Justin has to walk by there to get to his next class so there's a chance I'll see him.

The bell rang and I felt my heart beating as I stood up now. I actually don't even know if I want to see him right now. I'm too nervous. I keep thinking what if he completely acts like I'm not there? Will he say hi? Do I say hi?

I walked over to my locker and quickly opened it. I think I just want to get to my next class quickly and get the day over with. Thank god it is Friday.

"Hailey." I heard behind me. A voice I did not want to hear. I looked over my shoulder to see Lucas. Please don't this to me today. I ignored him and kept my eyes on my locker as I switched my books. "I know you heard me." I heard him again.

"Please leave me alone." I asked him without turning around.

"Can you just give me a minute to talk to you?" He asked me.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said back. Before anything else could be said, from the corner of my eye I saw his body hit the lockers like someone pushed him. I looked over surprised to see Justin had his fist against Lucas' chest.

"Are you asking for me to hit you again?" Justin asked him. "I could do a lot worse this time."

"That's funny. I heard a little rumor that you guys broke up." Lucas said back to him. Of course he did.

"Is that why you're back to harassing her?" Justin asked. "You better keep your distance, buddy." He let go of him and took a step back. "I don't care if I have to get suspended again. Walk. Away."

"Whatever, man" Lucas mumbled then looked at me then walked away. I looked at Justin who looked at me at the same time.

"You okay?" He asked me and I nodded. I actually can't believe he just did that for me.

"Thank you." I said to him. I shut my locker quickly.

"Of course." He said back then turned and walked away from me. That's it? I'm in such a shock right now. What the hell just happened? I shook my head and started to walk to class. At least I know he's able to talk to me and not ignore me.


Two more classes have passed by and now I'm walking back to my locker. I haven't been able to get Justin off of my mind. And I keep replying what happened this morning over and over in my head. After I go to my locker to drop off my books, I go to lunch where I'm going to have to see Justin again. I don't know what to expect at all.

I quickly reached my locker. As soon as I opened my locker, I heard my name. I looked over to see Josh walking over to me. I gave him a quick smile.

"Hey" I said to him.

"Hey, how are you? I haven't seen you- I think since your party." He said to me as he leaned against the locker next to mine.

"I'm okay." I said with a shrug. "I was in the city Monday to Wednesday so I wasn't here." I told him.

"I saw the Instagram post. That's pretty cool." He said back with a nod.

"Yup." I said back as I grabbed a text book and shut my locker.

"I was going through all my photos the other day and found something I wanted to show you." He said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "I would have sent it to you, but I wanted to see your reaction." He told me.

"Should I be scared?" I joked and he chuckled.

"Nah." He answered then turned his phone for me to see. My eyes widened once I saw a picture of me, him, Jaden and this girl we used to be friends with.

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