Chapter 22 - Better and Better

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I barely slept last night. I tried to call and text Justin all night and no answer. I haven't texted him since I woke up because I decided to just let him be until he talks to me. I explained myself and said what I needed to say.

I'm full of anxiety right now. I feel awful that he thought that. You were able to feel how upset he was last night.

This proves how Lucas is still trying to ruin things for me. Why would him and Seth do this? Justins did nothing wrong to anyone. They hate me clearly for not wanting Lucas, for moving on. It's unfair.

My phone buzzed in my lap and I looked away from my tv to look down at my phone hoping it was Justin who texted me. But it wasn't. It's Jaden.

Jaden: hey

Me: hi

Jaden: did u talk to Justin today

Me: nope you?

Jaden: ya actually
Jaden: he called me and asked if he can come over to talk to me so he came over and he apologized for pushing me and assuming and he knows that u and I would never do that. i told him I understand and I woulda been pissed and believed a stranger too but the next time he puts hands on me before asking me for the truth, we're gonna have a real problem that wasn't cool

Me: omg wow
Me: that's good at least that you guys are fine

Jaden: facts
Jaden: but I'm surprised he didn't talk to u first
Jaden: I guess bc we are boys but idk

Me: idk maybe he'll talk to me later. it's been bothering me so much

Jaden: ik but don't worry

Me: I'm trying not to

The second I put my phone down, I heard the door bell ring. Who would be here at noon? I got out of bed and walked over to the window. My eyes widened once I saw Justin's car parked outside of the house.

"Oh my god" I quickly said out loud. I ran into my bathroom and began to brush my teeth considering this is my first time getting out of bed this morning. I'm trying to move as fast as possible.

"Honey" I heard my moms voice enter my bedroom.

"In here" I tried to tell her as I spit toothpaste out of my mouth. I quickly finished as she walked in. I heard her laugh. I looked over at her as I shut the water off.

"I guess I don't have to tell you that Justin is downstairs" She said to me. I let out a laugh too.

"I'll be right down. I just want to put a sweatshirt on and fix my hair." I told her.

"I'll tell him you'll be down in a minute." She said with a nod. "Also me and your father are running out real quick so hurry so he isn't down there alone forever" She told me.

"You got it" I said as I took grabbed my hair brush. She turned and walked out of the room. I quickly brushed my hair, put on deodorant, sprayed a little perfume then walked out of my bathroom and into my closet. I grabbed the closest sweatshirt and put it on. I took a deep breath then quickly walked out of my room. I'm so nervous.

I walked down the stairs kind of quickly and saw Justin sitting on the couch. Once he heard me, he stood up looking over at me.

"Hey" He said and walked over to me.

"I tried to call and text you" I said to him. He sighed.

"I know I just didn't want to talk last night. Then this morning I figured I would just come talk in person considering how everything happened last night." He told me. I slowly nodded.

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