Chapter 14 - Anxiety

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Justin: hey

Me: hi

Justin: u in school?

Me: yeah you?

Justin: yeah
Justin: I didn't hear from u yesterday

Me: I wanted to give you time with your friends especially after what happened Saturday night

Justin: I understand. i wanted to give u space too
Justin: but fr I'm sorry. ik how it looked so I want to make sure u know it really was. Ik we aren't together but i respect u and really like u. since im tryna build something here with u, no other girl has my attention. hailey I do not ever want to hurt u. i wanna be ok with u. no games.

Me: ik me too. it was all just a misunderstanding. i shouldn't have just assumed you were doing something. and we aren't together so you can do what you want so I overreacted I guess

Justin: but that's the thing , together or not I'm not gonna do anything stupid bc u are the one I want

Me: I want us to be okay
Me: im sorry

Justin: so do I
Justin: will u still come over after school?

Me: I'll be there

Justin: good

The second I put my phone down, the bell rang for the next period. Thank god. I grabbed my stuff and got out of there. I'm going to stop at my locker too since it's so close to this class. I turned the corner and instantly looked up to see Lucas at my locker. What the fuck? It looks like he is trying to fit a paper into the slots of my locker. I started to walk faster.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I got closer. He turned around quickly.

"Oh hey Hailey. Uh I was just dropping a letter off to you." He stuttered. Talking to him giving me anxiety. I feel so sick to my stomach.

"Why?" I asked him.

"There are just a few things I had to say" He told me.

"You don't think you said enough? There's nothing else to say, Lucas" I snapped at him.

"I wasn't myself. Please just read this. I'm not trying to lie and win you back. I understand we are over. I just want to you read it please." He said and I shook my head.

"No. I won't. Why won't you just stop?" I asked him.

"I just have to explain something. So that you know I wasn't in my right mind. You didn't deserve that" He told me.

"You have to be kidding me" I heard Jaden's voice then all the sudden Lucas got slammed against the lockers. Jaden grabbed him by his shirt. Lucas looked scared, but he was trying to hide it.

"Yo Jaden!" I heard Justins voice now.

"Come on bro" I heard Travis too. I looked over and see them rush over.

"You bothering her again? Huh?" Jaden pulled Lucas forward then slammed him harder against the lockers. "Here to make her cry again? To make her feel like shit again? Don't you think she had enough of your abuse?" Jaden yelled at him.

"Jaden stop please" I begged him. Everyone was looking.

"Jaden let him go" Justin said to him. Jaden didn't say anything as he let go of Lucas. He didn't move or break eye contact. "Hey dickhead" Justin said getting Lucas' attention. He looked over at Justin but then Justin took me by surprise by grabbing Lucas by his hair and slamming his head against the locker. "Try to talk to her again and I swear we will make your life a living hell" Justin threatened him. Not going to lie, that was hot.

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