Chapter 20 - An Accident

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It's been about two hours and we are all drunk now. It's been a lot of fun. I really needed this.

"Let's go do something" Travis said to us.

"Yeah? Who's going to drive?" Jaden asked with a laugh knowing none of us can drive.

"Fuck" Travis mumbled and leaned back against the couch.

"There's probably a party we can Uber to" Sab suggested as she shrugged.

"There is one" Justin pointed out.

"Who's party?" Jaden asked him.

"I forgot his name. It's Connor and Josh's friend. He has brown hair and-"

"Blake" Sab and I said at the same time. We both laughed as we looked at each other.

"Yeah Blake" Justin said nodding.

"Eh I don't know" Jaden said and shrugged.

"You aren't cool with him?" Justin asked him.

"Nah we're cool. I just know there are going to be some assholes there and since I'm drunk I'll show no mercy if they even look at me the wrong way" Jaden said getting the guys to laugh.

"No you're right. I kind of just want to stay here" I said and Jaden nodded agreeing with me.

"Shots?" He asked as he smirked at me.

"Shots" I said nodding and laughed. We both saw stood up. "Anyone else?" I asked and everyone else stood up. We all walked into Jaden's kitchen. Jaden's parents aren't home for the weekend because they went to visit Jaden's aunt who lives a few hours away. So Jaden said we can stay the night or stay the weekend. He doesn't care.

As we all gathered around in Jaden's kitchen, he grabbed us all shot glasses. I felt a hand go on my back and I looked over to see Justin. He gave me a small smile.

"Yo" I heard Travis say quietly. I looked over quickly to see him staring down at his phone.

"What?" Sab asked him.

"Something crazy happened at Blakes party. Paige is there. She just texted me" He said with a concerned look on his face. Then suddenly his phone started to ring. "Hey Paige. Are you okay?" He answered his phone quickly. We all just stared at him in silence. His eyes widened a little bit. He looked over at me slowly. Why me? "Oh my god" he said as he looked down and shook his head.

"What happened?" Jaden asked him quietly.

"It's bad" Travis told him quietly as he looked up at him. "I-I can't drive. I drank a lot. But Blake's is on two blocks from me. I'll walk to you. Okay?" He said to Paige. "Alright. I'll be there as fast as I can." He said then put his phone down.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked him. We all started to ask Travis what happened and what was going on.

"And why did you only look at me?" I asked him even though I was afraid to hear it.

"Paige told me that Lucas showed up drunk already and in this brand new fast sports car. He kept trying to get Josh to go talk to him. Kept saying he doesn't understand why Josh dropped him over accusations. Josh ended up getting really drunk as well and then agreed to go with Lucas just to shut up him." He kept explaining and I felt such an awful feeling in my stomach. "Josh got in Lucas' car with him and Lucas drove off really fast and ended up hitting a parked car two houses down and Paige said it's bad. There's ambulances there and everything." My heart dropped.

"Nah bro" Jaden said shaking his head.

"Holy fuck" Justin mumbled.

"Oh my god." Sab said after she gasped.

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