Chapter 10 - I Just Need To Trust

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"If I ever see that boy again, I swear-"

"You'll go to jail" My mom said to my dad and I let out a laugh. It's the morning after the party and I am sitting on the couch with my mom. I'm still in my pajamas and I'm wrapped in a blanket. My dad is just standing there listening to us because he is about to go out to run errands.

I was just telling my mom everything that has been happening with Lucas this week. I do tell my mom mostly everything. We are pretty close.

"Okay I'm going now" My dad said then leaned down and kissed my mom. I love their relationship. I have high standards because of them.

"Have fun" I said to him with a laugh.

"Oh yeah so fun" he joked back.

"Bye hun" My mom said as he walked to the front door.

"Oh someone is here" he said as he looked through the window next to the front door.

"Who?" My mom asked him.

"Hey Buddy" my dad said as he opened the front door and ignored us. "I'm great, you?" He asked, I didn't hear who was talking. My mom and I looked at each other confused then looked back at the door. "She's right here" my dad stepped aside and in came Jaden. My dad walked out the house right after.

"Hi Julia" Jaden said to my mom with a smile.

"Hi Jaden" she said back as she stood up. She glanced at me quickly before walked towards him. She knows we fought last night. She hugged him quickly then looked back at me. "I'm going to shower" she told me then walked out of the room. I looked at Jaden who looked back at me at the same time.

"Hey" he said in a low tone.

"Hi" I said back the same way. I looked down at my hands as I played with the ring on my finger. I heard footsteps and then felt the couch dip next to my feet meaning he sat down.

"I was being a drunk idiot last night" I heard him say. He wrapped his arm around my legs since I had my knees up. I looked up and he put his chin on my knee and pouted. "I'm sorry"

"You still never going to defend me again?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"I'll forever defend you. I was just annoyed because I guess I just didn't understand why you were stopping me. I don't like the kid and since it's Lucas' best friend I figured it wasn't a good conversation." He explained to me as he lifted his head. He let go of my legs and just leaned against the couch.

"Josh was telling me that he sees how crazy Lucas is acting and that he's on my side because I'm a good person. It was nothing" I told him. Even though Josh told me that Lucas will beat up Justin if we are together, I'm going to keep that on the down low since Justin and I aren't together.

"I'm sorry, Hails. I shouldn't have freaked out on you like that" he said back.

"It's okay just don't do it again. I hated that" I told him and he frowned.

"I know I did too." He agreed and nodded. "How did you get home? I saw Sab and Paige were there still after you left" He asked me. Memories from last night with Justin came back into my mind and I tried to hide my smile.

"Justin drove me home" I told him and he began to smirk.

"Ohhh okay" he said then nudged my leg. I let out a laugh. "You guys were dancing all cute last night"

"Yeah" I said then looked back down. "He walked me to the door last night and we talked about how we like each other, but that I'm scared to get hurt again" I told him as I looked up at him.

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