Chapter 19 - Back Home

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It has been exactly one week since I was on the beach with Jaden in Malibu, saying that when I see Justin, I'll decide if I want to give him another chance.

And now today is my first day back at school. I have yet to see Justin. But after this class, is lunch which means I'm going to see him. I'm really nervous. I'm so nervous I could throw up. I was suppose to come back to school yesterday, but I convinced my parents to just give me one more day. Now today is Friday so I got away with just one school day then the weekend.

The bell rang means class was over. Fuck. Usually I would be happy about that, but I can't face Justin. What if I don't go to lunch? I have to. I can't just not go. I stood up from my chair and left the classroom. I kept my head down as I walked to my locker. I'm so anxious I don't want to talk to anyone.

I got to my locker and took a deep breath as I opened it. I put my two books in there. I feel like I have been gone for more than the two weeks I was gone.

"Hey" I heard beside me. I looked over to see Justin lean against the locker.

"Oh hi" I said back then faced my locker. Fuck.

"Welcome back" I heard him say in a sweet tone.

"Thank you" I said quietly then shut my locker. I looked at him and wanted to drop when I looked into his eyes. I quickly looked away. He makes me nervous.

"Listen, I know things aren't that good between us. I know where I was wrong. And I'm very sorry." He said and I looked into his eyes again. I didn't know what to say back. "So yeah, that's all I have to say. I'll see you at lunch" he said then frowned as he walked away. I leaned against the locker and sighed. I leaned my head back and shook my head. I miss him.


I've only been sitting at the lunch table for a while now and it's been slightly awkward. Well, everyone's talking to each other normal, but Justin and I have made awkward eye contact a million times.

"I'm going to the bathroom real quick" I told everyone then I stood up.

"You okay?" Sab asked me. I nodded and gave her a closed mouth smile. I turned around and took one step before someone said my name. I looked up to see Josh. I smiled at him.

"How are you doing?" He asked then surprised me by wrapping his arms around me giving me a hug. "I'm so sorry about your grandma" How the hell does he know?

"Thank you. I'm okay" I said as I pulled away. "How did you know?" I asked him.

"Our moms talked" He told me and I nodded. "I know you were gone for a while so if you need help catching up with anything, I gotchu. I'm actually pretty good at math" He said then chuckled and smiled down at me.

"Thank you, Josh. I'll let you know if I do" I said back with a smile. We heard someone laugh as they walked past us making us both turn our heads. My heart dropped once I saw it was Lucas.

"Oh hey Lucas" Josh said getting Lucas to turn around. Is he serious? I went to look at Josh, but he wrapped his arm around my shoulder then used both his hands to give Lucas the middle finger.

"Yeah, man?" Lucas said to him then went to take a step then shook his head and turned the other way. That also shocked me. Josh quickly removed his arm away from me. I looked back at my friends to see them all staring at us watching in shock. Jaden looked me in the eyes and pointed at himself which I knew meant he is asking if I need him. I shook my head then faced Josh again.

"What was that?" I asked him as I crossed my arms. He laughed and shrugged.

"What?" He asked back.

"Did you only come to talk to me so you can piss of Lucas?" I asked him and his smile dropped.

The New Guy - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now