Chapter 12 - Can't Let Go

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"Thank you for driving me home" I told Justin as he parked the car outside my house.

"You know it's never a problem." He said as he looked over at me. He has this look in his eyes. I can't figure it out, but I like it. I like the way he looks at me.

"Maybe we can do something tomorrow?" I asked him.

"I have some friends flying into the city in the morning so I'll be away all weekend. But Monday to Wednesday they are going to stay at my house so you should come by Monday after school to meet them." He told me. I smiled and nodded.

"That sounds great. I hope you have a good time." I said as I took off my seatbelt.

"Thank you" he said with a nod. "It will be fun. I haven't seen them since I moved here."

"I'm glad you get to see them. You guys must miss each other" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah we do" he said in a lower tone.

"I'll see you Monday" I said then I leaned over and kissed his cheek. But before I could pull away, he put his hand on my waist and didn't allow me to move. He smirked a little and I felt my face getting red. Slowly and softly, he pressed his lips against mine. Every time we kiss it's amazing. He pulled away a little to look at me.

"Goodnight" he said quietly against my lips then pulled away completely.

"Goodnight, Justin" I said then gave him one last smile before getting out. I smiled to myself as I walked towards my front door. I quickly entered my house and I walked right to the kitchen. I need water. I opened up my fridge and grabbed the closest water bottle.

My phone started to ring, scaring me a little bit. I shut my fridge and pulled my phone from my jeans pocket and saw Justin is calling me.

"Hey. Did I forgot something?" I answered quickly. I heard him laugh.

"No" he answered me. "I just don't think I'm ready to say goodnight yet" he said and instantly I started to smile. "Can we hang a little longer?"

"Come to the front door" I said then hung up. I smiled wide to myself. I walked over to the front door and once I opened it, he was already walking up the stairs. He smiled at me. "My parents are asleep" I said quietly as I let him in. He nodded.

"Basement?" He asked and I nodded.

Once we made our way into the basement, I grabbed the tv remote and placed it on the coffee table in front of us incase he wants to put something on.

We both sat down and I left a little distance between us.

"Come here" he said with a laugh as he grabbed my hand and tried to pull me closer. I giggled as he pulled me. I moved closer so that our bodies were touching. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Hi" he said with a smirk and in a low tone as he moved his face closer to mine.

"Hi" I said back and laughed again.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" He asked me. I wanted to hide how red my face was getting.

"No actually" I joked.

"Well" he said bringing his face closer to mine. "You look beautiful" he said before pressing his lips against mine. I put my hand on his shoulder as we kissed. I could do this forever. There's just something about him that makes me want to be by his side always. We didn't stop as he pulled me closer. He wrapped one arm around my waist and I wrapped my arm around his neck.

One of our phones started to ring, but we didn't stop. We ignored it. We both were so into this. He made it clear he wasn't pulling away for anything when he deepened the kiss.

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