Chapter 43 - The Three Words

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Winter break is finally here and I leave tomorrow morning for California. So Justin is over my house and we have spent the last few hours in my bed. I'm going to miss him so much I want to spend as much time next to him as I can before I go. I spent all day after school with Sab yesterday too.

"So do you guys have any set plans in California?" Justin asked me.

"Not exactly. My mom said she has a surprise for me and Jaden for one of the days. And I have a photoshoot one day." I told him.

"Oh shit, that's amazing." He excitedly said.

"I want to do as much as we can and go see what we can." I told him.

"There's a lot to do there. I'm sure your grandpa could tell you where to go too." He said and I nodded.

"He said he's making me a list." I said with a giggle and he smiled.

"That's sweet."

"Do you have anything planned?" I asked him now.

"Just to see both my moms side of the family and then my dads and my little siblings." He told me.

"You must be so excited." I said and he nodded with a little smile.

"I miss everyone a lot. I'm still not exactly used to being away from home like that. Canada will always be my home no matter how long I live here." He said and I nodded agreeing. "And one day I'll take you." I began to smile.

"That would be amazing." I told him. I got a little more comfortable and put my hand under my head as I stared at him. He's so perfect. I don't know how I got lucky enough. I really love him. I just want to say it.

"What?" He asked with a little chuckle. He moved his arm and laid the same way I am. "What are you thinking about?" He asked me.

"How you're perfect." I honestly told him.

"I'm not perfect." He said back.

"Maybe not in your eyes, but in mine you are. Everything about you is perfect." He smiled a little wider. He just stared at me with a soft little smile like he was admiring me. It made me slightly nervous and also kind of self conscious. He put his hand on my cheek.

"You're so beautiful." He told me and I knew I started to blush. I was fighting back a big smile. "Can I tell you something?" He quietly asked.

"Of course" I said back. He moved some of my hair to behind my ear and put his hand back on my cheek and his thumb softly rubbed against my face. It felt like the seconds dragged longer as I waited to hear what he had to tell me.

"I love you." He told me and I started to have the craziest butterflies of my life. My heart started to beat so fast. It feels so right to hear that. I know it's real love.

"I love you too." I said back then he smiled widely then pressed his lips against mine. We both were smiling through the kiss.

"I been waiting a long time to say that." He said with a chuckle.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded. I'm so full of joy and happiness right now. "Me too. Such a long time." I giggled.

"When did you first realize you love me?" He asked and pulled me closer to him.

"Thanksgiving day. When you and your mom were here." I told him. He smiled a little more. "What about you? When did you realize?" I asked.

"It was the day before your birthday." He told me. Oh wow. It was only a few days apart that we felt the same way. "Well, I felt like I loved you before then, but it was the first time I said it out loud and that made it real for me. I was with the boys and they asked me if I was already in love and I said yes right away." He explained.

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