Chapter 15 - Malibu

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We made it to California today. It's around eight at night now.

Once we landed, we came straight to my grandparents house in Malibu. We dropped off our bags then went right to the hospital as fast as we could. We spent many hours there and now we are back at the house.

They think my grandma will be okay. 'Think' isn't enough for me. I want to know she will be okay.

We are at the house with my grandpa, my aunt, my uncle, and two of my cousins. Thankfully the house is big enough for all of us. Everyone's inside eating, but I finished early and came outside. I'm sitting in the beach by myself. The sun is set, I'm just watching the waves. The beach at night is always calming.

I wish Justin was here with me though. I didn't really answer anyone today. Maybe I should text him.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I saw that he texted me a few minutes ago.

Justin: hey beautiful

Me: hey Justin

I locked my phone and went to out to away, only to stop once I heard I got a text. I looked back down at my phone to see it's already Justin. That made me a smile a little.

Justin: how's it going over there?

Me: it's okay. just hoping for a miracle
Me: ngl it was really hard seeing her like that

Justin: I'm sorry I can imagine how hard it must be

Me: yeah :( but she's alive so

Justin: my mom went to church and prayed for u guys tonight

Me: that's so sweet of her
Me: I can't wait to meet her

Justin: hopefully when u get back :)

Me: I wish you were here with me

Justin: I do too
Justin: wyd?

Me: sitting on the beach by myself

Justin: r u far from the house?

Me: the house is on the beach

Justin: wow must be beautiful

Me: it is. i love it here
Me: what time is it over there?

Justin: 11
Justin: I'm just laying in bed looking thru pics and vids I took the last few days

Justin: 11 Justin: I'm just laying in bed looking thru pics and vids I took the last few daysJustin:

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Me: it's too dark for me to take a pic rn but this is me and my cousin tonight

Me: it's too dark for me to take a pic rn but this is me and my cousin tonightMe:

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