Chapter 41 - The Talk

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I think Mother Nature was on my side today because it snowed so much we didn't have school today. I didn't want to go anyway knowing I won't be able to focus on anything. So I've been in bed all day. It's already almost ten at night now. I've just been watching this movie since I finished dinner earlier.

My phone buzzed pulling my attention away from the tv. Oh my god. Justin texted me.

Justin: hey

Me: hi

Justin: is it too late to see u?

Holy shit. I looked up from my phone because I couldn't believe it. I looked back down and went to answer, but he sent another text.

Justin: im outside

Me: go to the front door I'll be right down

I jumped out of bed quickly and threw on a sweatshirt. I walked fast out of my room and down the stairs. I saw lights on down here, but didn't see anyone in the living room. I went over to the front door opening it to see Justin walking up to it.

"Hey." I said to him with a little smile.

"Hey, Hails." He said back. I stepped aside and let him in. "I hope you weren't busy."

"No, not at all." I said. "What's up? It's late, is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Uh yeah. I was just hoping we could talk." He told me.

"Okay." I said nodding. I went to talk, until I heard my dads voice say, "Hello Justin." I looked over my shoulder to see him walking out of the kitchen.

"Hello." Justin said back. "How are you?" He asked.

"I'm doing good. How are you? It's late, are you okay?" My dad asked him. Justin was about to talk, but I beat him to it.

"He's okay, we are just going to hang out down here for a little bit." I told my dad. He instantly shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but it's late. You guys have school tomorrow. I hope you understand, Justin." My dad said and I scoffed.

"Dad it is not that late. It's only ten." I said back.

"It's okay. I do understand." Justin spoke up. I looked over at him and he looked a little disappointed. I am too.

"Thank you. Maybe come by for dinner tomorrow night." No he did not... He knows we aren't dating anymore. Or maybe he thinks we are since Justin's here. That's probably why he won't let him stay.

"I might take you up on the offer." Justin said with a little smile.

"Drive safe." My dad said as he turned for the stairs.

"Okay sir." Justin said back to him.

"Goodnight Justin." He said then walked up the stairs.

"I'm sorry." I said to Justin.

"It's okay, I understand. Don't worry." He said back. "Can I see you tomorrow? After school? I want to see you." He asked me.

"Yeah." I answered. I had butterflies. Maybe finally we can work on getting back together. I don't know why it has took so long.

"Okay." He said nodding then opened the front door. "Goodnight." He said to me.

"Goodnight." I said back. He went to turn, but faced me again. He leaned down and kissed my cheek softly. I couldn't help, but to smile. He gave me a little smile then walked out. I shut the door and smiled to myself.

The New Guy - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now