Chapter 39 - Friends?

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This week went by slow since the only thing on my mind was if Justin still has feelings for me. It's Saturday now and all week we have just been acting like friends. Well, not acting. I guess we are just friends. After dating, how can we be just friends? He kind of flirts with me a little. I don't know. It's driving me crazy.

Last night the guys wanted to do something just the guys so Sab and I had girls night at her house. I was hoping to see Justin last night to see how he would act with me outside of school since we didn't do anything after school all week. But tonight there's a party that we might go to. Well everyone's going, but I don't know if I want to go.

I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed my phone from my lap. I'm in bed where I've been all day. I went into my texts to see texts from Sab and Jaden.

Sab: wait what I thought you said you were down to go??

Me: I think I changed my mind

Sab: why? is it bc of Justin?

Me: yeah kinda
Me: it's just so weird being just friends with him and idk if I wanna see how he will act with me at a party as friends or watch him flirt with girls

Sab: I really don't think he's going to be flirting with girls. also you really haven't seen him outside of school all week other than Monday so maybe tonight will be good for you guys

Me: maybe idk

Sab: please come hails pleaseeeeee

Me: possibly

Sab: PLEASE for me


Sab: if I'm totally wrong I owe you, but come on it's Justin. He's always been crazy about you

Me: so why hasn't he made a move?

Sab: maybe he's just waiting for the perfect moment

Me: the perfect moment? All he has to do it just show he still has feelings for me

Sab: the way he looks at you doesn't count?

Me: idk I don't notice

Sab: oh we do

Jaden: hailey

Me: jaden

Jaden: I'm with Connor and Sab rn and Sab said u might not be coming tn
Jaden: stop being a baby ur coming

Me: and see girls flirt with Justin and him flirt back? Idk j we only broke up two weeks ago

Jaden: why do u think that is gonna happen

Me: um bc he's hot and single??? duh
Me: I told Sab fine but I'm staying far away from all of that

Jaden: ur stupid

Me: stfu it's literally the truth

Jaden: do u want me to talk to him about it

Me: omg NO Jaden please don't

Jaden: haha i won't but fr it's gonna be fun and like normal party we always go to so stop over thinking

Me: I'll be pregaming

I feel like my anxiety is threw the roof. I know I'm probably over reacting, but me, Sab and Connor just got to the party. Everyone in our group is already here.

"Hailey." Connor said stopping me. I looked back at him. "If you want to leave at any point, we are going with you. Okay?" He said and I nodded with a closed mouth smile. Thank god Sab found a kind boyfriend. I let them walk in front of me as they searched for our friends.

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