Chapter 34 - Bittersweet

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It's now been two days since Justin and I broke up. He never answered my texts. So I left him alone. It's Monday and we are all in school. I haven't seen him yet, but the guys have.

I hate not talking to him. I'm nervous to even see him. Is he even going to sit with us at lunch? Is he going to look at me in class? I don't know what to expect at all. As I walked to my next class, I went to my phone and texted Jaden saying, 'is justin gonna sit with us at lunch?'. Justin has made a lot of friends since he moved here, but he's become one of us.

I felt my phone buzz and I quickly looked down hoping Jaden answered me, but he didn't. It's my mom. She said, 'hey hon I hope you aren't enjoying school too much ;)'. I laughed too myself. What does that mean? I walked into the class room and the teacher looked at only me right away.

"Hailey. You're wanted at the principals office." She told me. My eyes widened. "I don't think you're in trouble." She said with a laugh.

"Okay" I said nodding then walked back out. As I walked through the now empty hallway, I texted my mom back saying, 'what do you mean?'. I wasn't far from the office so I got there pretty quickly. Once I walked in, the secretary looked up at me and smiled.

"Ms Cameron, you're free to go home." She told me. What? I looked at her confused.

"Am I getting suspended?" I joked and she laughed.

"Your mom called and said you have something important to do for your career in the city." She told me. I started to smile. My mom set something up for me. "Have fun" she said before looking back at the computer. I walked out and smiled to myself. I started to call my mom as I walked towards my car.

"Hey Honey." My mom answered the phone.

"Mom what's going on?" I asked her.

"So I may have made a call to Landon's mom and she pulled some strings and you have a photo shoot tomorrow in the city. But you and I are going to go in an hour and spend the night over there." She told me and my jaw dropped.

"Are you serious?" I asked her in shock.

"Yup. You have a fitting tonight. So you have to come home and pack. For two nights actually. By the time you are done tomorrow you aren't going to want to sit in the car for two hours so we will stay tomorrow night too." She explained.

"Mom thank you so much. Oh my god. This is amazing" I said back. I can't believe this. I'm so excited. I got into my car quickly.

"It was more Sherri than me. I'll see in a few. Hurry home. Love you!" She said then hung up before I could say anything. I started my car then looked down at my phone to see Jaden texted me back from before.

Me: is Justin gonna sit with us at lunch?

Jaden: idk maybe

Me: well he def can now. I won't be in lunch today tmw or Wednesday

I locked my phone then headed home.


I arrived in the city about an hour ago and I'm in the hotel room getting ready to go meet up with some important people before the fitting.

And as happy as I am, I also can't stop thinking about Justin. I heard a phone start to ring so I walked out of the bathroom quickly.

"It's yours" My mom said to me. I walked over to my phone and my eyes widened once I saw the 'J' in the beginning of the name, but then I sighed when I realized it wasn't Justin. It's Jaden.

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