Chapter 42 - Pranks

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"So you talked about everything, but didn't get back together?" Sab asked me in shock. I laughed knowing I was lying to her and I wasn't even good at it. I shook my head. I want to see her reaction with everyone else's. "Do you think you will get back together?" She asked me. I shrugged. We are walking to lunch together and she just keeps asking questions about yesterday.

"Me and him are fine and that's all that matters." I played it off.

"Yeah, but you guys belong together." She said back.

"Yeah." I wasn't sure what to say, but I wanted to play it off so she doesn't figure it out. I don't know how I'm going to act at lunch knowing how happy I am that we are back together.

"I wonder if he talked to the boys about it. I want some info on what's going through his head." She told me and I laughed.

"It's fine." I said back and she looked at me like I'm crazy.

"How are you not curious? I'm so curious. Did he even try to kiss you or anything?" She asked me.

"No he didn't. And I just don't care." I lied again. I was trying my hardest not to smile. She knows me so well I don't know how she hasn't caught on.

"Wow you're better than me. I would have harassed the boys to tell me everything they know." She said and we both laughed. We walked over to the lunch table where all the boys were there already. I locked eyes with Justin who smiled at me and I just know I can't make much eye contact while at lunch or I will give it away.


"I really want to mess with them." I told Justin. We are at my house in my room and have just been sitting in my bed watching stuff.

"I'm down. What should we do?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I said then thought about it. "Wait should I post a pic of me right now to my Snapchat and show my shirt and maybe like you could say something to Jaden or the boys about it?" I asked and he laughed then nodded. I'm wearing his shirt.

"Post it now." He said so I grabbed my phone from the night stand and he moved over. I took it and posted it right away. "I'm going to wait a few minutes then say something." He chuckled.

____Snapchat Picture_____

____Snapchat Picture_____

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"Do you think we are crazy for this?" I asked him and he smirked.

"No, I think it's funny. It's good entertainment." He said back. I missed being goofy with him.

"Jaden's been trying to get us back together so we are probably going to drive him crazy." I said and he chuckled then nodded.

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