Chapter 2 - The Party

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It's now Friday, thank god. Sabrina is over at my place and we have just been sitting around my room talking about all things new this school year and having a movie on. My parents went out on a dinner date so it's just her and I tonight. I don't have any siblings although sometimes I wish I did. Sabrina is always over though and my parents treat her like their own.

"So" Sabrina said getting my attention from the tv in my room. "How are you and Lucas? You don't really talk about him as much anymore. Don't think I didn't notice" she asked me and I smiled.

"We're good. We are going out to eat tomorrow night and it's going to be good for us" I said then shrugged.

"You're not mad though? He changed your plans tonight so he can go to the party" She asked in a concerned tone. My smile dropped a little.

"I was, but I'm happy to be with my best friend" I said and throw my pillow at her. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"You know what we should do" she said then glanced over at the time before quickly grabbing her phone.

"What?" I asked as she looked like she was planning something.

"Let's go to the party. Jaden and Travis are going. It's only seven thirty I'm sure they are still home." She suggested with a big smirk on her face. I began to smirk too.

"Call them" I said and she squealed then I watched her fingers move on her phone before I heard the dialing of a call.

"What's up Sab?" I heard Jaden's voice through the phone.

"Hey are you guys still going to the party?" She asked him.

"Yeah in about an hour, why?" He said back and we smiled at each other.

"I'm with Hailey, at her house. Come pick us up before you go" she told him and I hear him chuckle.

"Sounds good. I'll text you guys when I'm ten minutes out" he said then they said goodbye and hung up.

"Well, let's start getting ready" she said then jumped out of my bed. "I'm so glad we use the same makeup" I laughed as I got out of the bed too.

"And wear the same clothes. I expect my clothes back" I joked as she walked into my closet before I could.

"Yeah yeah whatever" she joked back.


"Damn Lucas is going to wish he took you to dinner instead" I heard Sabrina say as I was looking at myself in the mirror in my living room. Jaden said almost ten minutes ago that he was ten minutes away.

"It's not that big a deal" I said shrugging. I'm wearing something really simple because it's just some party, but I did my makeup really good tonight.

"You let things go too easy" she said shaking her head and I let out a laugh. Before I could say anything, we heard a car horn meaning the guys are here. "Yay!" She said excitedly before we walked out of the door. The passenger window rolled down and Travis stuck his head out the window.

"Yeah let's go party!" He yelled and Jaden beeped the horn again.

"Shh!" I yelled back at them as we all laugh. I got to the car door before Sabrina and I swung the door open to be surprised by Justin sitting in the back seat. I didn't know he was coming too. "Oh. Hi" I said with a big smile as I got in.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked me as if I didn't see him today, but that's very sweet of him.

"I'm good, thank you" I said back still giving him a smile and he quickly said hi to Sabrina.

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