Chapter 8 - To Heal

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"Hey! Hailey!" I heard from the right of me. I looked away from my locker and saw Paige walking up to me.

"Oh hey Paige" I said with a smile and I looked back at my locker and quickly opened it up.

"So I noticed some story last night" she started to talk as she leaned against the locker next to mine. I just laughed because I already knew who she was talking about. "You and mr hottie new guy talking?" She asked with a smile.

"No. We are just friends" I told her as I put my book in my locker.

"Is that why you are blushing?" She asked and we both laugh. "Girl, you guys would be the absolute hottest couple ever" she told me and I looked over at her again.

"I'm blushing because he is hot" I said with a laugh. "But as of right now, we are just friends." I said and then shrugged.

"You guys were pretty close in that picture. It was adorable. Not like what that other jerk posted last week" She said and I instantly knew she was talking about Lucas' post. My smile went away now. I sighed as I shut my locker. I have lunch now so I didn't grab any books.

"Yeah, that was really annoying. It was up for an hour before I saw it so who knows who saw it. I don't want to be tied to him anymore." I told her. We started to walk away from my locker and towards the cafeteria.

"He's a dick. And you know what, Justin posting that picture with you definitely set the record straight that you and Lucas really aren't together anymore." She told me.

"Yup. His friends try to talk to me in class or in the halls. Truthfully, I hate his friends. I just ignore them because I know they just want information to give him" I said to her and she nodded.

"Oh for sure. All anyone here cares about is drama. I mean, I love to hear the juicy details on what happens with everyone here, but I would never go to the person and ask them" She said and I started to laugh.

"You did that to me" I joked with her.

"That's different, hon. You and I have always been good friends" she said and bumped her shoulder into mine playfully.

"I know. I'm just kidding" I said and laughed again.

"How's Travis?" She asked me.

"You haven't talked to him?" I asked back.

"I mean, kind of. Does he talk about me?" She asked. I smiled at her. They need to just go out together already.

"You know he does" I said to her.

"Well, tell him I said hi" She said as we walked into the cafeteria.

"Will do. Talk to you later" I said then we walked our separate ways. I walked in the direction of where our usual lunch table is. But then suddenly, Lucas stepped in front of me. I rolled my eyes and tried to get passed him, but he didn't let me.

"What?" I asked with full attitude.

"So you got a new boyfriend already?" He asked me.

"No I don't. Not like it's any of your business anyway" I said back and crossed my arms.

"Oh yeah? Because you looked pretty close to Bieber in that picture he posted" He said glaring down at me. He's so jealous.

"We're actually just really good friends." I said and he chuckled. "I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to you" I said as I shook my head.

"What happened to making stuff between us work out? Things really changed within a few weeks?" He asked me.

"I saw the real you. That's what happened" He opened his mouth to talk, but got cut off by someone else.

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