Chapter 37 - Fruit Basket

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**Jadens POV**

"Tonight?" Justin asked me in a shocked tone. I nodded.

"Yeah, bro. Tonight" I said with a laugh.

Hailey invited the group over to her house and I'm, of course, going to bring Justin. If he says yes. Which I know he will. I know she will say yes too. After they made up last night in the city, we all had an even better time. Now they are calling each other "friends", but I think we all know that isn't going to last long. So bringing them together tonight could really spark back up their relationship. So yeah, I'm playing Cupid tonight.

"You think she's okay with that?" He asked me. I smirked and nodded. She's in love with him and he is in love with her. They need to remember that even though they never said it to each other.

"Are you okay with that?" I asked him and it was almost like he was fighting a smile.

"I wouldn't have a problem with it" He said back. He crossed his arms and leaned back against the couch. We are at my house right now. "I just have to go somewhere with my mom in a little then I'll go. Just let me know what she says." He told me.

"I got you, bro."

**Haileys POV**

"So is that okay?" Jaden asked me.

"Did you already ask him?" I asked and he laughed. I'm in the car on my way home from picking up food and Jaden just called me to ask me if Justin can come tonight too.

"You guys are the same person." He said after he laughed. "He said he's down. So are you?" He asked.

"What do you think?" I asked him.

"I think since you're madly in love with him, you would never say no." He said back and I laughed.

"This is why you're my best friend." I joked. 

"I know everything will be like normal." He told me.

"Expect that fact that him and I are broken up." I said back.

"Did you feel awkward after you guys talked last night?" He asked me.

"No, a few times I did feel kinda weird, but no." I answered.

"See." I pulled into my driveway and noticed something at my front door. "Give it time and I know you guys will be together again." He told me.

"Hopefully." I said in a sad tone. I grabbed my bag and phone and got out of the car. "I miss him. And not just his presence because we were all together last night, but I miss being with him." I explained.

"I get it. Trust me." He said back. "Tonight will be fun. I promise." I got to my front door to see it's a fruit basket. There's a card in it.

"I know." I said back as I leaned down and grabbed the card. The first thing I looked at was the name and my heart dropped.

It's from Lucas...

"Uh J, I have to go clean the house and shower so I gotta go." I told him.

"Alright see you later." We hung up and I put my phone in my back pocket. The note read, "I know I've messed up bad in the past, but I've changed and I'm ready to make up for it if you are. I know you and Justin are broken up although his little super man move yesterday almost had me fooled. call me or text me. you're so beautiful, I would love to see you. Love, Lucas."

"I'm going to be sick" I mumbled to myself. I put the card on top of the basket and picked it all up. I walked over to my trash can and placed it in there. I looked around as I walked to my front door. I feel like I have to make sure he's not stalking me now. I walked into my house and locked the door behind me.

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