Chapter 4 - As Friends

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It's been two days since Lucas hit me. I didn't go to school yesterday and I'm not going today. I told the school I had the flu. I know school just started, but I can't go to school like this. With a big bruise on my face. I tried cover it with makeup, but it looked weird and noticeable. I can't even say I fell, but you can tell its a hand print.

My parents also saw the bruise... They wanted to go to the police, but I decided not to. I don't want it to be talked about. I don't want to talk about it. I'm going to school tomorrow though. The bruise will be less visible and that's when the makeup will really cover it. Maybe I just don't have good enough makeup for coverage. I don't even care.

I broke up with Lucas that same night and said I didn't care about what he has against me. He didn't take it well and I'm just hoping he is bluffing about the picture.

It's about lunch time at school and I actually just finished eating too. I made myself some soup and I've just been watching movies the last two days. I looked down at my phone as I sat on the couch and saw a text from Justin. Oh? Justin texted me?

Justin: hey I hope u r doing better :) let me know if u need anything

Me: thank you that means a lot
Me: and I'm okay

Justin: u coming to school tmw?

Me: yes sir

Justin: good :)
Justin: actually r u busy when I get out of school?

Me: no why?

Justin: would u want to go get food with me?

Me: yeah sure :)
Me: pick me up?

Justin: of course

I put my phone down and smiled. I truly didn't expect that. Wow, Justin's coming to pick me up. I know I just got out of a relationship, but Justin is my new friend. That's it. He's really cool and funny and sweet and really attractive, but we are friends. And he is taking me to get food as friends.


I guess I fell asleep. I heard my phone ringing causing me to wake back up. I picked up my phone as I rubbed my eye with my other hand. I saw Sabrina calling me and I noticed it's only been thirty minutes since I last looked at the time so I wasn't sleeping for long.

"Hey" I answered the call. Wait shouldn't she be in class?

"Girl the shit I have to tell you." She started off. I sat up a bit more and got comfortable again.

"Oh god" I responded.

"So guess who came to school today. Lucas. He finally showed his face" she told me.

"I figured." I said back. I don't really want to hear about him.

"But that's not all" she started to talk and for some reason I felt anxious. She's suppose to be in class, but she's out calling me. "Guess who jumped him in the cafeteria like idiots- well idiots that love you very much and didn't think about the fact that we were in school" she told me and I groaned. Travis and Jaden...

"So Trav and Jaden couldn't wait till they got off of school grounds?" I asked then let out a laugh.

"and Justin" she said and my eyes widened.

"And Justin?" I questioned what she had just said. "But- why would he involve himself? Jaden and Travis I understand, but we just became friends with Justin" I said confused.

"Maybe someone developed a crush" She said and just by the tone of her voice, I can tell she's smiling.

"I don't know. I mean we are just starting to get to know each other-" she cut me off.

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