Chapter 29 - She's Special

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**Justins P.O.V**

This has been the most awkward last five minutes of my life. It's Monday and we are all at lunch. All of us. Hailey and Jaden still haven't talked since they got into that fight. It's been three days and I'm really surprised.

They both are being stubborn and won't say sorry first. I don't even know what was said to each other so I stay out of it. Even though she's my girlfriend, they are best friends and I don't get in the middle of that shit.

I looked over at Hailey who I'm sitting next to and you can tell her eyes are glossy as she looked down at her food.

"Hey" I said in a soft tone as I leaned closer to her. "What's wrong?" I quietly asked. She just shook her head without looking at me. I saw a tear fall from her eye and she quickly got up and walked away as fast as possible.

I looked over at Sab who then looked at Jaden so I did the same and noticed he stood up now. But he grabbed his bag and walked the other way to the exit doors.

"I'm going to go talk to him." Travis said as he quickly got up and went after Jaden.

"I'm going to go talk to Hailey, you coming?" I asked Sab and she nodded then stood up. I did the same and we both started to walk out of the cafeteria as fast as possible.

"This sucks" I heard her say as we walk.

"I know" I said then sighed. "I hope she's okay and I hope he is too" I said as walked into the hallway.

"Me too. I hope they fix things today. Her birthday is literally tomorrow." She said and I kept quiet as I realized how upset she will be tomorrow if her and Jaden still aren't okay. I know if it was me, I wouldn't even want to do anything. I'd be pissed off. We turned the corner and we saw Hailey leaned against a wall. We started to walk faster. "Hails" Sab called for her. She looked up at us and quickly wiped her tears.

"Babe" I quietly said as I reached her. I held her face in my hands and she looked at me with teary eyes. "Babe, it will be okay. I know this sucks right now and you're hurting. But I know this won't last long. You guys will talk." I tried to help her. I kissed her forehead then pulled my hands away from her.

Sab started to talk to her too trying to help so I stepped back and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I texted Travis saying, "where is he". I quickly got a response back saying, "he got in his car he went home".

I think after school I might call him just to see what he's thinking. I'm obviously not going to get in the middle of it. I just want to know what he is thinking because Hailey is torn over this.

I don't like seeing her upset like this. I sighed as I looked back at her.


"Hey" I said to Jaden and Travis as I walked into Jaden's garage.

"Hey man" Jaden said as he nodded his head.

"Sup JB" Travis said to me.

"You guys busy?" I asked them. Travis was sitting on the couch and Jaden was leaning against the pool table. Jaden has a pretty cool garage that him and his dad made a man cave type of place.

"Nah just chilling and talking, bro. You okay?" Jaden asked me. I guess he noticed I feel kind of awkward. Only because I'm about to talk to him about Hailey and I'm worried if he will get pissed or not that I'm kind of getting involved.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just uh- I don't want to over step, but with you being one of my brothers now I just wanted to see where your head was at with the whole Hailey situation." I told me and he sighed as he nodded looking away.

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