Chapter 17 - We Weren't Dating

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**Sabrina's P.O.V**

"This is the fastest I ever booked a flight" I said as I shook my head and was finishing up booking a flight to California.

"I know" Jaden said quietly next to me with his arms crossed as he started at the screen.

Today is Monday and Hailey called us while we were at school to tell us her grandma sadly passed away this morning. So right after school, the guys and I went straight to Jadens house and to book flights for two days from now.

Well, just Jaden, Travis, and I. Justin doesn't feel like it would be right considering they haven't talked in two days since they got into that fight. She's been avoiding all his texts.

Honestly I'm still a little upset at Justin bc Hailey is still upset and she has every right to be. Jaden and Travis believe every word he said and so he must be telling the truth, but still I would be upset if I were Hailey.

But I can tell how much it is affecting him though. He really likes her. He just shouldn't have done what he did.

"Do you want me to ask if you can come?" I heard Jaden ask to, I'm assuming Justin. I looked up to see Justin look over sadly then shake his head.

"Trust me bro, I'm not wanted. I don't want to make this worse for her." He told us. "I would love to be there for her. I just don't think that's what she wants." She's avoided all of his text expect the one where he said he was sorry about her grandma and that he is there for her always no matter what. She just responded with 'thank you'.

"She's actually calling me right now" I heard Jaden say. I looked back up to see him answering the phone. Justin just stared at Jaden with concern on his face. I know he's worried about her. I know he wants to be there. "Hey Hails" Jaden answered. "No not at all. We are just hanging out. Travis, Sab and I just got our flights for two days from now." He told her. As he listened to her, his eyes traveled up to Justin. "Uh no he just didn't want to upset you more." Justins eyes lit up as we all realize she mentioned him. "Nah it's what you want." He looked back down at his lap and nodded to himself as he listened. "Yeah I understand. For sure." We all sat in silence just listening to Jaden. "How's your mom?" He started to shake his head as he sighed. "I can't even imagine. That's awful. I can't wait to be there with you guys. We're going to be there for you" He told her. "Of course, Hails. You know we would do anything for you. You would do it for us too." "Oh don't cry." He said in a sweet tone. "Listen I love you sis. Two days are going to come quick and we will be there, okay?" "Alright, text me. Okay, bye" he said then put the phone down and took a deep breath.

"Should I get a ticket?" Justin asked him with some hope in his voice. Jaden just looked at him and shook his head.

"I'm sorry man" Jaden said back. Justin began to look angry and upset.

"Maybe she'll change her mind." Travis stepped in.

"Yeah maybe" I said too.

"Fuck" Justin mumbled then stood up. "I'm going to go home. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He said as he grabbed his school bag.

"She just said that the issue that you guys have is something she doesn't want to deal with until she's back home." Jaden told him. I nodded understanding.

"Nah it's cool. Talk to you guys later" he said then walked out of the room. Jaden, Travis, and I looked at each other. We heard the front door shut.

"Damn" Travis mumbled. I sighed. This is awful.

**Haileys P.O.V**

"My friends are flying out here tomorrow. They just got tickets for a flight yesterday after I told them the news" I told Landon as I played with the strings of my hoodie. I'm sitting on Landon's back deck with him. The sun just set about twenty minutes ago.

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