seungkwan - early morning

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word count : 646




[ y/n ]
good morning, are you

my flight just got in. can
i come over and get my

i'll make you breakfast~


although you received no response back, you scheduled for a car to pick you up from the airport. after receiving your bags, you went outside and found the person who was picking you up. the person helped you out your suitcases away before driving away from the airport.

after fighting with the morning rush, you made it to their dorm. the driver dropped you off in front of the building, and you took yourself and your bags with you into seungkwan's dorm building.

once you entered the building, you used the elevator to take you to the correct floor. once the elevator arrived, you got off the elevator and went to their door. you rang the doorbell, hoping someone would answer. no one responded, which made you ring the doorbell again. about thirty seconds later and the door opened, revealing a very tired looking woozi.

"what are you doing here?" he immediately asked.

"i just landed. seungkwan has my keys cause he was watering my plants," i reply and he opens the door more to let me in. "thanks."

"mhm," he hummed back, "i'm going back to sleep. i got back like an hour ago."

you closed the door behind you and locked it. "go. you deserve it, mister producer," you said to him as you slipped your shoes off.

woozi immediately walked away to his room and you heard a door open and close. you put slippers on and moved your suitcases into the living room so they weren't blocking the walk ways.

then, you walked to seungkwan's room and knocked on the door. again, you received zero response and quietly opened the door. you peeked in and saw him fast asleep on his bed.

you walked in and quietly closed the door behind you. you walked up to him and sat on the edge of his bed. looking around, you noticed your keys on his nightstand and took them. you put them in your pocket and looked back at seungkwan.

leaning in, you kissed his cheek, noticing the tiny bit of moving he did. you put your hand on his chest and lightly tapped.

"hey," you softly called out. "honey," you called out again, "i'm here."

seungkwan just stirred before you started tickling him, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of him.

"ngh...stop it," he whined and turned onto his side, away from you.

"babe, wake up," you said to him again and continued trying to wake him up. you ended up picking your phone up and played "queen" by son dambi, but you turned it off a few seconds later since you didn't want to bother the other guys.

the sun moved a bit, shining into his room from the window. you decided to lay down so you slipped the slippers off and laid down next to seungkwan, hugging him from behind and resting.

"y/n? sweetheart?" you woke up when you heard seungkwan speak. you yawned while he sat up in his bed. "when did you get here?" he asked, still slightly in a daze.

"around seven o'clock..." you answered and sat up. "good morning," you said to him.

"good morning," he smiled. you brought your hand to his hair and ran your hair through his messy hair. "i saw you text messages. sorry for not replying."

"no worries," you replied.

"so...where's my breakfast?" he asked, making both of you laugh.

"let me wake up again and you'll get your food," you said to him, "but can we cuddle first?"

"you don't need to ask," seungkwan said and laid back down, opening his arms for you. you laid down, your head against his chest. "i missed you."

"i missed you, too."

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