mingyu - bake sale

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word count : 555


"mingyu! stop it! that's the last one!" you whined at him as he used his height to his advantage by holding up the last cupcake you had made for the school's bake sale. "kim mingyu, i swear to god—"

"babe, you said i could have one!" mingyu said in defense.

"only if you pay for it! we're raising money for our club, remember?" you reminded him, attempting to grab the cupcake again.

"okay, okay, fine," he gave in and reached into his pocket. he grabbed a few bucks and put it on top of the box that you were using as a make shift cash register. "there, happy?" he asked.

you smiled, "very." you said to him.

"so, can we go home now? you said this was supposed to be done like fifteen ago," mingyu asked as he unwrapped the cupcake from its liner. he immediately took a bite, effectively eating half of the cupcake. "hey! this is so good!" he said with his mouth full.

"chew your food and help me clean up, and then we can go to my house," you said to him. you grabbed the containers that you had used to hold the desserts and placed them in the floor. then, you and mingyu folded up the tables.

"hey y/n, i got this. you can go home if you have nothing else to bring into the school building," a classmate of yours spoke while walking up with a few other classmates.

"oh, thank you! here's the money," you said as you handed the box to one of them.

"see you guys," mingyu said and picked up your backpack and his backpack. you grabbed your backpack from him, and both of you headed to the school's parking lot.

mingyu unlocked his car and got into the driver's seat while you got into the front passenger seat. he started driving to your house with music blasting from the speakers. you yelled at him to turn it down at some point since you didn't want your ear drums bleeding later.

after about a ten minute drive, you arrived at your house. mingyu parked his car in front of your house and both of you got out of his car. he locked his car, and you two went to the front door. you used your key to unlock your door and both of you went inside.

"it smells sweet in here," mingyu commented as he closed and locked the door.

"you know how much frosting i used? a lot," you said to him. "i'm going to clean the kitchen," you mentioned and walked into the kitchen. you placed your backpack down at the dinner table with mingyu following you into the kitchen.


you looked at your boyfriend, who had opened the fridge when he walked in. you watched him pull out a small box.

"you have more cupcakes!" he exclaimed.

you looked at the box and remembered that you had made extras for him and started laughing.

"they're for you," you said to him.

"so you mean i didn't have to spend money?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at you while closing the fridge.

"do you want me to compete at nationals or no?" you replied to his question.

"...i'm eating all of these."

"duh, they're yours for a reason, you big doofus."

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