mingyu - art

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word count : 539


"y/n!" mingyu yelled as he walked into the studio, where you had been all day. "i need your help."

"on what?" you asked, turning back to look at him. you noticed blank sheets of paper in his hands.

"help me make a paper crane," he requested and you raised an eyebrow at him.

"you're so weird," you said and turned away from him, adding an outline of blue paint near the corner of your painting.

"come on, please," he pleaded and you felt him hug you.

"is this because of the "going seventeen" episode?" you asked.


you turned around and mingyu stopping hugging you. he smiled at you while you rolled your eyes.

"okay lover boy. let's do this," you said to him and put down the paintbrush that you were holding. you gestured him to a table you had set up and both of you sat down next to each other. "it's been awhile since i made one," you mentioned and started folding one of the sheets of paper so you could tear the excess off to make a square.

"should i look up how to make one?" he asked.

"mhm," you nodded.

mingyu took out his phone and pulled up instructions. both of you started following the instructions on his phone screen, but one crane turned out a lot better than the other.

the two paper cranes sat side-by-side. you and mingyu looked at them.

"how come mine looks like trash?" he whined.

"i think you should give this up. you're going to go crazy trying to do this," you said to him.

"no way!" he shouted and grabbed another sheet of paper. mingyu started folding the new piece of paper while glancing back at his phone screen every few seconds.

you stood up and went back to working on your painting. you added some more lines onto the canvas and started humming to a song as you worked.

while working, you grabbed your cup of water that was in a small table and drank the rest of the water in that cup.

"hey, do you want anything to drink? i need to get more water," you said to mingyu.

"mm...get me water too," he requested.

"okie," you replied and left the room with your empty cup in hand. you walked to the kitchen and grabbed another cup for mingyu. then, you got the pitcher of water from the countertop and poured water into the two cups.

after putting the pitcher back where it was, you walked back into the studio.

"what are you doing?" you asked mingyu when you noticed him at your canvas.

you noticed the paper crane you had made earlier on top of the canvas.

mingyu looked back at you with a smile, "making art."

you rolled your eyes at him before walking up to him. you put the cups down and stood by him, also noticing the other paper cranes that he made; one of them looking slightly better than the other.

"trying to take my job from me?" you sarcastically spoke.

"maybe," he chuckled.

you looked at the new additions to your canvas and laughed, "don't quit your day job," you said before kissing his cheek.

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