joshua - early morning

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word count : 478


you sat on a chair that was set up on the balcony, watching the sun slowly rise and the sky turn to the pretty blue. you had made a cup of coffee minutes earlier and took sips every once in awhile before hearing the door slide open.


you turned your head and saw joshua walking out of the house and onto the balcony. his hair was a hit out of place, it seemed that he had just gotten out of bed.

"why are you up early?" he asked, uncontrollably yawning.

"woke up, couldn't sleep again," you mentioned, "hence, the balcony and a cup of coffee to keep me warm," you added, gesturing towards the mug that you were holding.

joshua sat down next to you and kissed the top of your head. "again?" he asked. you nodded and leaned into him as he wrapped his arm around you. "i thought i told you to wake me up."

"josh, it's fine," you said to him, "i've only been up for an hour," you mentioned, attempting to brush off your spontaneous sleep habits.

"i'm about to duck tape you to the bed so you can actually get some sleep," he said, which made you laugh. "i'm being serious."

"i believe you," you said before taking a sip of coffee. "want some?" you asked, holding up the mug to him.

he took the mug and took a sip of your coffee. then, his face puckered up in disgust, "you make it too sweet," he criticized before handing the mug back to you.

"whatever," you replied and continued drinking your coffee.

"i'll go cook breakfast for us. what do you want?" he asked you and stood up.

you followed him, "waffles!" you exclaimed with a smile as you followed joshua into your house.

"you got it," he said and headed downstairs. you slid the door to the balcony closed and locked it before going downstairs.

you made it to the kitchen while joshua was going through the ingredients in the fridge and the pantry.

"where's the mix?" he asked, taking out the carton of eggs from the fridge and setting it on the countertop.

"do we not have anymore?" you questioned. "oh! we brought it to the dorm."

"we did?" joshua questioned.

"to make breakfast for everyone who got drunk that one time," you replied, recalling the get-together from a few weeks ago. you placed your now empty mug in the sink, rinsing it in water before walking towards josh.

"oh. should we eat out instead?" he asked.

"how about we go see if the some of the guys want to go eat out?" you asked him.

joshua put the eggs back into the fridge and closed the fridge doors, "yea, we can," he answered. "i'll call jeonghan and see if he's up."

"okay," you smiled and kissed his cheek.

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