hoshi - playground

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word count : 515


"dad! there's a snowman!"

"let's make our own," hoshi said as your son started running away. your husband followed after the eight year old boy with a light jog.

you followed the pair into the park and watched your son and husband start building a snowman next to the cleared out pathway.

"mom, help us!" your son called out for you.

"okay, okay," you smiled and joined them in their snowman building endeavors. "are you hands cold?" you asked your son.

"yea, but this is fun!" your son smiled while packing snow together in his hands. "dad, how should i do this?" he asked.

"like this," hoshi instructed and showed your son what to do.

after awhile, the snowman was finished. you took a photo of your son and the snowman while hoshi started making snowballs.

"mom, can i go play now?" your son asked.

"just a few more. smile!" you said to him and your son smiled. you took a few photos and put your phone down.

then, you saw hoshi throw a snowball at your son, but the snowball missed.

"hey!" your son quickly started to make a snowball and ran after his father.

you laughed, watching everything unfold. your son climbed onto one of the playground gyms and threw a snowball from a bridge.

"s/n! that isn't fair!" hoshi yelled and threw a snowball.

"yes it is! you started it!" your son replied and ran across the bridge, passing by another kid who was playing.

"babe, wanna help me?" hoshi asked you.

you laughed and shook your head, "i'd only go against you, not our son." you walked up to him, "soonyoung, shouldn't we head inside soon?" you asked him.

"already? hm, maybe we could grab some hot chocolate," hoshi pondered and kissed your cheek. "love you."

"love you," you said with a smile.

"mom! dad! look at me!" you looked in the direction that your son yelled from but immediately started panicking when you saw your son on top of a roof that was on the playground.

"get down from there please!" you immediately said to your son, who pouted in response.

"bud, you could slip and fall since the snow makes everything slippery," hoshi said to him.


you sighed, "go grab him, and let's go get hot chocolate for him," you instructed.


hoshi walked over to the playground gym, and your son got off of the set, holding hoshi's hand.

"you understand why that was dangerous?" you heard hoshi ask your son as they walked back to you. your son nodded his head. "okay, let's go inside for a little bit. we're gonna get hot chocolate."

"hot chocolate! my favorite!" you smiled and your son ran up to hold your hand. "hi mom."

"hi baby," you responded and reached down to kiss the top of his head.

"hey, what about me?" hoshi asked, now standing behind the two of you.

"i like mom more than you."

"hey! babe, say something."

you looked at hoshi and kissed his cheek, "what can i say? all the boys like me."

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