dino - injury

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word count : 579


you pulled the door open and immediately looked around, "okay, where is he?" you questioned.

a hand rose, "hi babe."

dino was standing with the guys in the center of the room. he waved with his hand that wasn't in a sling.

"wow, you were right. y/n does worry a lot," mingyu spoke up as you went up to your boyfriend.

"what happened?" you asked him, "does it hurt?"

"he dislocated his shoulder this morning. they fixed it at the hospital," s.coups explained.

you looked at your boyfriend in bewilderment, "and you're still dancing?" you questioned him, "chan, i told you to be careful," you lightly scolded him.

"i'm fine. it doesn't hurt too much. i took some meds, and i'm not dancing too hard," dino said to you, in order to hopefully calm you down.

you sighed, "you won't lie to me or the guys when you're in pain?" you asked him.

he nodded, "i promise."

"don't worry y/n. we'll make sure he doesn't get too crazy," hoshi said.

"says the crazy one," dk spoke up.

"hey, you're crazy too," hoshi replied.

you had just finished a short shift at work when you got to text from dino, so you stayed for their rehearsal, making sure he wasn't dancing too hard. as they went through their performance for an award show, you found yourself singing along to each song while scrolling through your phone.

"will dino's shoulder heal in time?" you heard joshua speak as they talked about something. you looked up at them as they stood in one of their formations.

"we can change this part, unless if someone else wants to do this," the8 said.

"guys, i'll be fine," dino said to reassure them, "i'll just mark it for now."

"worst case, it'll just be the three of us," jun said while fixing his hair.

they all agreed and continued practicing. their choreographer came at one point to teach them a new section for the award show.

"and then they'll be a platform here, so all of the teams will be separated. vocal team will be up here and singing while hip hop team and performance team get down from both sides," their choreographer explained to them.

"will there be a staircase?" mingyu asked.

"yea, on the backside," their choreographer answered and pointed out where they would travel to. "you guys should have enough time to make it down by the time they're done singing," he said. "okay, let's do it if the music to make sure," he said and the guys got into their positions.

you stayed where you were as you watched them, noticing dino wince due to his shoulder. they went through the entire performance once and discussed about some changes that needed to be made afterwards.

while they discussed, dino came over to you and sat down next to you.

"you okay?" you asked him.

he nodded, "yea, it's just bothering me a little right now. i think the pain meds are wearing off."

"do you want more?" you asked. he shook his head.

"i'm gonna rest for a second," he said before leaning his head on your shoulder. "sorry for worrying you, babe," he apologized.

"sorry for being a worrier," you replied. dino grabbed your hand and squeezed it. "love you."

"love you."

"yah, dino, you could at least stand in your spot to make sure the transitions are good," hoshi suddenly scolded him.

"hyung! just two more minutes!"

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