hoshi - sick

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word count : 575


"babe, you really shouldn't come over. i'll just order food for myself in a bit," you said to hoshi.

the two of you were talking over the phone, and he kept pestering you to let him bring you his mom's food that he got the day before because you didn't feel good enough to get up and cook for yourself.

"but baby, you're gonna starve. my mom made a lot, so i can bring half of it to you," hoshi said to you. "i'll drop it off by the front door, don't order anything."

"hoshi, don't."

"too late. i'm already leaving. i'll text you when i get there," he said to you. "love you," he said in a lovey-dovey tone.

you sighed, "love you too. see you soon."


the call ended and the music you were listening to earlier started playing again. you adjusted the cold compress that was on your forehead and start dozing off again due to how tired being sick was making you.

"oh shoot. not that."

you heard hoshi's voice and started to think you were dreaming. you opened your eyes and checked your phone to see that it was around one o'clock in the afternoon, which meant you napped for almost a whole hour.

you sighed and got out of your bed before walking out of your room. you walked into the kitchen and crossed your arms at the sight in front of you.

"you said that you were going to leave the food by the door," you said to hoshi, who turned around when you spoke.

"i wanted to make sure you ate something," he said to you. "sit! i'm almost done."

you nodded and sat down at the table. hoshi poured you a cup of water and set it down in front of you before returning his attention to the stove.

"don't you have work?" you asked him since he had been busy lately.

"we just have a recording later," he answered. "don't move, this is hot."

hoshi placed a big bowl of soup in front of you. he handed you a spoon, and you started eating.

"your mom is the best," you said when you picked up the glass of water, "i should visit them soon."

"when my schedule clears up, we could go together," hoshi said to you and went to your fridge. he opened it and you noticed that the other containers of food he had brought were already in the fridge. "do you have any side dishes in here?" he asked, looking at the shelves.

"probably just kimchi right now," you replied to him.

"oh, spicy probably isn't a good idea for right now," he replied. he grabbed a drink before closing the fridge. "feel any better?" he asked, turning around to face you.

you nodded, "yea. thank you."

hoshi sat down at the table across from you. he took out his phone.

"let me take a photo. carats will think i'm such a good boyfriend," he said with a smile and took a photo.

"i better not be in it," you said to him.

"it's just the table and your hands. i promise," he said to you and started going through his phone. "now they'll think i'm not such a klutz," he said while laughing.

"you weren't even the one who cooked."

"it's the thought that counts."

"you literally just brought containers over and heated stuff up."

"be quiet and eat."

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