the8 - rainy day

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word count : 522






"anything with the word "sun" in it."


you looked at your boyfriend, "i think we're ready to go."

he smiled and took his sunglasses out, letting them rest on top of his head, "great. let's go." both of you picked up the bags you had packed and left your hotel together.

the two of you were taking a short vacation together and had decided to go to the beach. your hotel was nearby so it was an easy walk over despite all of the tourists visiting the area you were staying in.

"wow, so many people are here," you commented as you two walked onto the beach. families, college students, tourists, it was as if everyone decided to stay in the same place as you and the8.

"i know. i guess everyone is on break," the8 said as you guys walked closer to the ocean. "at least it's not that hot out," he added, "if it was any hotter, i think i'd just stay in."

you two walked for a bit before finding an empty spot. "is this good with you?" you asked him.

"fine with me," he said with a smile. both of you started setting your stuff down. "hand me the sunscreen? i'm going to put more on." he requested.

you opened one of the tote bags you brought and started looking for the bottle of sunscreen. "hang on, i think it's at the bottom," you replied while fishing through the bag.

all of a sudden, you heard thunder rumble from the sky. this caused people swimming to hurry out of the water, and for everyone else to pack up their belongings.

"oh come on!" you whined as rain started to sprinkle.

"honey, we should hurry back," the8 said to you.

you whined, "i hate this," you said while picking everything up again.


"i just wanted to get a tan..."

you stared through the wall of windows in your hotel room. the sky was gray and cloudy while rain poured. you could see that the beach was no longer occupied and people were rushing to get indoors if they happened to be outside.

"well, you can either use that self tanning stuff, or we can try again tomorrow," the8 said while standing in front of the tv, which had a news channel on. "we should be fine to go tomorrow instead," he said to you.

"you just jinxed it," you said to him. you turned around and joined the8 while he changed the channel to a show.

"want to go ahead and eat an early dinner at the restaurant?" he asked you. the hotel had a two restaurants, and you had planned to get at one of them tonight for dinner.

you leaned your head against his shoulder, "how about we order room service instead?" you asked him and looked up at him. the8 was looking down at you, and you noticed him grinning.

"that sounds very nice, honey," he replied to you and pecked your lips. "think some wine would sound great too," he said to you. "love you, honey."

"love you too, honey."

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