dino - locker

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word count : 602


do i need all of my textbooks? oh, not the history one, perfect.

you looked at the list of assignments you had to do that were on a piece of paper. you had been sick for a few days and finally came back to school, however, you had a lot of work to make up. this meant you were drinking a lot of coffee for the next few days as well.

you went to your locker and opened it. as you opened it, an piece of paper fell out and you picked it up. you unfolded it and started reading.

a love letter?

this handwriting is kind of...horrible.

after reading the contents of the letter, you took the textbooks you needed and put them in your backpack along with the letter. then, you closed your locker and started walking away to meet up with your boyfriend, who you had promised to meet. you found him waiting by the entrance of the school, and you waved at him when he noticed you.


"hey," chan smiled at you and held his hand out. you grabbed it and both of you started walking out of the school building. "wanna come study with me? i'm going to go eat before going to the library." as you walked, you passed by other students who were leaving for the day.

you nodded your head, "yea, sure. i have a lot of catching up to do this week," you mentioned. "oh, i found something in my locker," you added.

"what was it?" he asked you.

"a love letter."

"a love letter?" chan questioned. "interesting."

"i think it's from a freshman or something," you said to him, "he's beyond in love with me apparently. it's so cheesy. wanna read it?"

"nah, don't need to read it," he instantly replied to you.

you looked up at him, "you aren't curious at all?" you asked, surprised at his response.

"well...i would be if someone else wrote it, but i wrote that to you."

you stopped walking, which made chan not walk after a second since you were holding hands.




"okay, can we stop this?" chan asked.

"you wrote me the letter?" you asked him.

"uh...yea," he said and turned his head away, "i put it in your locker for when you got back to school. just thought it'd make you happy..."

"and you didn't put your name on it?" you continued to question him.

chan looked back at you, "just give it back to me so i an rip it up," he demanded.

"nope! i'm gonna frame it!"

"y/n! stop it!"

"that was your handwriting? it was so bad," you added.

"my hand was cramping because of an assignment," chan mentioned and reached for your backpack. "give me the letter."

"stop it!" you yelled and started running ahead of him.

"come back here!"

"no! your chicken scratch is getting taped to my wall whether you like it or not!" you said to him.

"come on, y/n!"

all of a sudden, you felt someone grab your backpack and pull you back. chan caught you in his arms and turned your around.

you pouted at him, "you're mean."

"me? mean?" he replied.

you nodded, "you won't let me keep the letter."

he leaned in and kissed you. "fine, keep it. i guess you don't want me confessing my love to you everyday."

"oh, you're more than welcome to confess to me," you said to him and smiled.

he smiled back and kissed you again, "love you."

"love you," you replied, "and your chicken scratch."


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