hoshi - kitchen

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word count : 525


"y/n, why can't i come in?" hoshi whined as he stood in the doorway between the kitchen and the hallway.

"because i don't trust you at all," you replied to him as you decorated a small red velvet cake with frosting.

"i promise i won't mess it up again! please let me in. i'll give you kisses," he said, trying to bribe you to let him back into the kitchen after you had temporarily banned him.

"nice try, hot stuff, but that isn't working on me," you said to him and smoothed over the frosting you added to the cake. you glanced back at him and noticed him dancing to "hot" and realized that he was staring at you with a pout. "you know, you dancing while pouting is cute, but it still isn't working," you said and added a bit more frosting to the top of the cake.

"i just want to help you," he said to you.

"that's what you said last time, and you proceeded to put turmeric into the mixing bowl," you said and recalled the last time hoshi tried to help you bake a cake.

"i didn't mean to do that!" he whined. "can i at least get a water?" he asked. you contemplated for a second before nodding your head, and hoshi walked in. he opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before closing the fridge again. "so, how's it going?" he asked. you felt him rest his head on top of your shoulder.

"i think i'm done," you said with a smile. "do you think your parents will like it?"

"of course, why wouldn't they?" he replied and looked at the time on your phone, which was laying on the counter next to the empty tub of frosting. "it's already two o'clock, should we leave?" he asked.

you responded to his question by dipping your finger in the frosting that was on the spatula and putting that frosting on hoshi's nose.

"hey," he spoke and used his hand to wipe the frosting away, "what was that for?" he asked, no longer resting his head on your shoulder but going to the sink and washing his hands.

"i dunno," you laughed at him. "if you want to head over to your parents, then we can go. i could help your parents cook," you replied to his question while opening a cupboard.

"okay, imma shower real quick," he said before leaving the kitchen.

you packed the cake on a tray with a cover on top, hoping it would fall when you brought it to hoshi's parent's home. you placed it in the fridge to chill for a bit while you went into the room. while figuring out what to wear, hoshi came out of the bathroom.

"can't figure out what to wear?" you heard him ask while he opened a drawer.

"yea," you replied.

"you could wear my tiger hoodie."

"i am not wearing a tiger hoodie."

"or my shirt."

"hoshi, i swear to the cake gods that i will dump frosting on you if you or i wear something tiger related."

"what about the onesie?"


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