s.coups - bakery

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word count : 1,612


"y/n, seungcheol, want to take anything home?" your manager asked while you two were cleaning the dining area of the bakery you work in.

"oh, if we have anymore of the chocolate expresso cakes, i'll take that," you answered while sweeping.

"my roommates will probably want stuff," seungcheol answered from across the room. he was wiping down some of the tables.

"i'll pack both of you a box," your manager said and grabbed some of the boxes that were used for to pack orders.

you continued sweeping the floor and swept all of the debris and trash into a dust pan. once you were done, you threw the debris away and placed the broom and dust pan in a closet that had a bunch of cleaning supplies inside.

"y/n, bring all of these to your parents. they can give them out to their workers," your manager said while closing a box. you looked over and saw quite a few boxes on the counter and cases.

"oh, sure. thank you!" you said to your manager.

"do you need help? i can drive you," seungcheol asked you after pushing a chair in.

you looked over at him and saw him walk through the dining room.

"are you sure? don't you need to go to the park?" you asked. almost after every shift, seungcheol would play basketball with his friends.

"i'll just drop them off to them and go back if all of them are still there," he said to you while passing by you to go behind the counter. "i don't mind," he said and you nodded.

seunghceol walked into the back and started putting supplies away. you washed your hands in the sink and checked to make sure that all of the pickup orders were gone. however, you found an order in the fridge.

"hey minhyun!" you called out to your manager. "there's a pickup in here," you said and opened a fridge.

"we still have one? i swear all of the orders were picked up," your manager said and walked out from the back. "let me see," he said and you handed him the order, letting the fridge door close itself. "i'll call them. you and seungcheol fill stuff up in the back."

"got it," you said with a nod.

you went into the kitchen and noticed that seungcheol was putting sacks and containers of ingredients onto one of the benches.

"i'll refill the chocolates first," you said to him.

he nodded, "okay."

you started opening packages with different chocolates in them and put them into bins. seungcheol started helping you once he brought in the last bag of flour that was needed.

"it's satisfying seeing the bins filled up," seungcheol commented as he started collecting empty containers from a shelf for more ingredients.

"yea, it's really nice," you replied. "okay, this is done," you said and pushed a container to the end of the bench.

"hey, that pickup order is a no show," you manager spoke, walking into the kitchen. "one of you can take it. it's chocolate with strawberries and chocolate ganache in it," he mentioned.

"i'm good. the cake can't even fit in my fridge anyways," you said, looking at seungcheol.

"i can probably find someone to take it," seungcheol spoke up.

"that works with me," your manager said to you two. "both of you finish up what you're doing and head out. i have to reorganize a bunch of stuff in the morning anyways when the shipments come in," they mentioned.

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