jun - dinner

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word count : 777


on your way to one of your favorite restaurants, a bunch of your friends were blowing up your phone with text messages. you glanced at your phone for a second before putting it back in your pocket and walking across the street. you walked for a bit more before heading into the restaurant and ordering your usual meal at the counter.

you sat down at a table with two seats with a buzzer sitting on the table. you started reading through the texts you received. some were about a party one of your friends was going to host while others started roasting each other or sending memes. you rolled your eyes and put your phone down and finally took your headphones off. you put your headphones in your bag and took out your sketch pad. you opened the pad until you were at one of the designs that you were working on earlier and started working on it some more.

eventually, the buzzer started vibrating against the table and you picked it up. you headed to the counter and returned the buzzer while a worker checked your receipt to make sure your order was correct.

"excuse me? can i get another container of sauce?"

you turned your head when someone else spoke. a guy was standing next to you. he was clearly taller than you, and you noticed him wearing a shirt that belonged to your university.

hm, i wonder what his major is...

the same worker handed him a container of sauce and the guy walked away. then, the worker slid a tray to you with your meal on it.

"thank you," you quietly spoke and picked the tray up. you went back to your table and placed the tray on the table before sitting down.

out of curiosity, you looked around and saw the guy from earlier sitting at a table with a bunch of people.

i'm gonna look creepy if i keep looking. maybe i'll see him again on campus.

you turned around and put your headphones on again. you started playing a show on your phone and started eating your dinner.


awhile later, you were still sitting at the table. you had eaten your dinner and returned the tray to a trash can.

music was playing from your headphones and you continued working on designs for a show that your department was hosting.

you looked at the time and decided to head out for the night. you packed your bag and got up from the chair when you noticed someone near you. you looked over and saw the guy from earlier.

he started talking but you still had your headphones off. you paused the music playing and took your headphones off.

"i'm sorry. what did you say?" you asked him.

"oh, um, you're y/n, right?" he asked. you nodded in response. "i'm jun! i don't think we've ever met, but minghao has talked around you a bunch."

"oh, you're one of his suite mates, right?" you asked him.

he nodded to confirm, "yea, i'm roommates with soonyoung, if you know him."

"oh, i've met him a few times. me and minghao haven't really hung out lately. both of us have a bunch of stuff to do for the fashion show the department is hosting," you mentioned. "it was really nice to meet you. maybe after everything is over, then we could hang out with the others," you said with a smile.

"if you aren't busy, the night after the show's over, we're hosting a party at one of our friends's apartment. you should come to it," jun suddenly offered.

"oh, that sounds fun," you smiled, "sure. just have minghao text me the details," you requested.

"or i could just get your number from you?"


"it might be easier since both of you are busy?" he replied, "no, uh, i'll tell him later when i go back. see ya!" he said before turning around.

"wait!" you spoke up, causing him to turn around again, "here." you opened your bag and grabbed a pen and your sketch pad. you ripped a page off and wrote your phone number down. "you're right, it'd be easier if you texted since me and minghao are busy," you said to him and handed him the piece of paper.

"you didn't need to waste your paper for that," jun said to you as he folded the paper up and held it in his hand.

you shook your head, "it's alright." you looked at the time, "sorry, i should go. i really need to work on stuff."

he nodded, "yea of course. see ya."

you smiled, "see you later."

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